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Damn this place is dark. Come on Wu Xie, you've dealt with worse. Remember the tomb when you were twelve? Of course you do, that was scary, this is peaceful. Yes but too peaceful, either we're in the wrong place, or I'm being watched.

He walked more carefully now, watching for traps and.... Unearthly creatures. Or just zombies, could be zombies.

He felt a chill run down his back and looked up to see a drop of water fall from a place in the ceiling. Probably trapped near here then.

He shrugged and continued walking.

With Third Uncle

"What the devil is this boy doing?"
He muttered as he rubbed his temple. So careless, my nephew is a damn idiot.

He watched as Wu Xie disappeared behind the next corner. "Moving on." He mumbled and motioned to the rest to continue as he walked slowly around the corner.

With Wu Xie

Aish they're following me. Of course they are, they always do this.
Welp guess I'm the bait again then.

He almost danced around the corner, knowing there was nothing behind it, but the next one was another story. Despite what people liked to think, he wasn't actually an idiot, he grew up in this business how could he not know how to survive. He rolled his eyes.

And yes his hearing was pretty good too, he was aware of the creature wandering around in the next hallway on the left.

He turned the left corner and came face to face with the weird zombie plant thing, swiftly dancing around it until he found a good opportunity to cut out it's tongue.

Could he have killed the thing, yes. Yes he could have. But he was pissed at his uncle so let him deal with it.

He grinned innocently at the creature and darted in the other direction, just before his uncle came into view.

With Third Uncle.

Where the devil did that troublesome nephew disappear to?

He thought in annoyance as he walked into the next hallway, they had lost track of him about to intersections ago, with nothing but the vague sounds of footsteps to lead them.

Idiot is too loud. He could be dead before we catch up to him he thought at the same time that he realized that he could no longer hear the footfalls in the distance.

He panicked and rushed around a corner, coming face to face with a very angry zombie.

"Oh come on!"

With Wu Xie

I chuckled to myself as I heard the shout of my annoying uncle. I had calmed my steps beforehand so they wouldn't be able to find me, and since they could no longer find any trace of me other than the very angry beast, they will simply assume that I'm dead and leave me be.

Plus third uncle gets a headache out of it, so win-win.

I held back a chuckle as I shook my head a little and continued walking.

With Xiaoge

The silent man watched in slight amusement(that he would never admit to of course) as the slightly younger man smiled full of satisfaction and walked away, silently now that his plan had been put into effect, whatever said plan was, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know, he was just following after all.

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