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Wu Xie woke to a shocking pain in his leg as it was yanked in a direction, and he had the good sense to at least mentally panic at the feeling as he suddenly remembered where he was, and realized that whatever was trying to pull him was probably doing so with malicious intent.

But his body didn't seem to want to react, so he stayed as still as possible, hoping whatever it was would go away. He suppressed a shiver when it started feeling a long his leg and up his torso, shamelessly Panzi would say, if he were here. And suddenly the feeling was gone as the thing quickly retracted.

He waited a second in silence, before deciding that since he had been discovered already, there was no point in staying still to get eaten alive or torn to shreds.

He attempted to push himself up off the ground, failing miserably with a low moan of pain.

This is stupid, why hasn't it killed me yet? Must be a very slow and very very stupid zombie. He would've laughed under different circumstances. He cautiously opened his eyes, blinking slowly as he tried to decide whether he had been blinded or if it was really just that dark.

Where even was he anyway? How did he end up here? Oh yes, he had been running with that Zhang guy. So where was he? He attempted to push himself up again, and failed again, but at least this time it was not a fruitless effort as his hand brushed against something cold and cylindrical. He felt the thing for a moment before he found what he was searching for.

A quiet click went throughout the area, echoing off empty walls. Finally his eyes(not blind then.) Found the culprit of his discomfort.  "Qiling?"

The other blinked and turned his eyes to meet with his own, and Wu Xie saw the confusion in them.

Instead of replying, Qiling continued to stare, making Wu Xie feel a little perturbed at his scrutiny.


He shook his head to clear his thoughts, whatever, first I have to get up, and then I'll deal with him..... No first I have to get up, then I have to find out where we are, then I'll deal with him. He pushed his arms from the ground, hoping to force himself up. No, first, get up, second find out where we are, third get out, fourth, deal with uncle third?  His arms gave out and sent him plummeting back to the floor.

"AAH!" Whatever, dealing with this guy is somewhere on the list. Wu Xie could feel frustrated tears lingering behind his eyelids, but refused to allow the show of weakness in front of someone he barely knew.

He glanced up and saw that said person was spaced out, staring into the dark with a contemplative expression.

"What the fuck happened." He groaned between clenched teeth, and the older returned to the present.

    "We fell."

   Wu Xie stared at him with sarcasm boiling over in his mind, but settled with a simple, "Never would've guessed."

He didn't have the energy to start an argument, his arm was sending waves of pain throughout his entire minds surface, alerting him not to foolishly attempt to use it, not to mention his leg, not like he would listen anyway so why does his body even bother anymore. He rolled his eyes at the stupid thought process.

  " Anyway, what I really wanted to ask was where the fuck are we?" He felt the floor beneath himself as realization dawned on him. " This floor is definitely not just dirt, and there seems to be runes inscribed......"

He paused in thought as he studied said runes. His head was throbbing, making it hard to focus on what he needed to remember.

"Ah, of course, it's a sacrificial pit. Why do I always run into these places?"  He sighed and forced himself to sit up enough to get a better look around.

He looked back with the most apologetic  smile he could muster to Qiling, "Sorry, it seems you've been dragged into my bad luck." He sighed and shook his head, his hair briefly falling into his eyes in the process, he really wanted to curl up and cry. But with his luck, life would choose the moment he did to throw a zombie at them, plus there was still the matter of not knowing if he could trust this guy he was stuck with.

It's fine, you're fine. You can get home..... Or somewhere safe... You just have to get out of here. He ignored the knowledge nagging at the back of his mind, that he had nowhere safe to go.

He then began to lift himself on his hands and one working knee, and somehow managed to shove himself off the ground so that he was kinda standing, barely.

He steadied himself and squared his shoulders, beginning to stumble along the wall, relying solely on Qilings sword to keep him steady on his bad leg.

  He walked the perimeter of the small space they found themselves in, searching for a way back up or out.

  His efforts proved useless, and he internally cursed himself for wasting the little bit of energy he had left, as he returned to his place, only to stumble and collapse to the ground. He sighed.

"It's useless at the moment, I'm sure there must be a way out, since there are no bones in this area at least, but I haven't the energy to find it."

Qiling contemplated for a few moments, gazing around them at his surroundings.  his gaze eventually traveled back to Wu Xie, studying him once more,

Wu Xie was so  gonna hit this creep whenever they got out of here.

Qiling finally turned his gaze away again and looked up towards the way they had fallen from. Wu Xie followed his gaze and attempted to guess at the height of the climb, maybe three to four stories?

He looked down again to process the likelihood of them managing to get out again that way, only to see that the other was once again staring at him, this time with something between concern and pity in his eyes, and it managed to finally throw another splash of Wu Xie's patience into the almost overflowing cup of annoyance.

   "Take a picture it'll last longer." He attempted to snap despite how increasingly hard it was getting to breath around the pain radiating throughout.

  Qiling looked at him for a second more, before abruptly standing up and looking around with determination in his eyes. Apparently he thought he could find a way out where Wu Xie couldn't.

Guess he thinks you're incapable then. He sighed internally. If he can actually get us out then it doesn't matter what he thinks.

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