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Author's note: I don't know Chinese, and I feel like that has been fairly evident thus far, however I do need a way to indicate that most of these characters are actually speaking to each other in their own native language, aka Chinese. And so I have decided that when someone is speaking English, I will place * on either side of the English word, sentence, or paragraph. I apologize for the long-winded author's note, but I felt it necessary to explain. Thank you for your patience. :)


    As much as he hated to admit it, they would have to stop again soon. Both were painfully exhausted, even if only one of them showed the signs.
Zhang Qiling still looked his normal self, if a bit marred by dirt and grime that had soaked into his skin and clothes from their earlier scuffle. However, upon closer inspection, his eyes were less focused than usual, and his reactions were slower. Not that anything had happened to draw much reaction in the first place, they had had a quiet drive since entering the vehicle,the only sound coming from the splash of the water under the tires and the squeaking of the windshield wipers every time they swiped across the glass.
In fact it was almost too quiet, with nothing much to focus on Wu Xie could feel anxiety climbing into his consciousness, begging to create a distraction for his tired brain.
This resulted in hyperfocus on the feeling of the steering, or the sound of his breathing, the fog on the glass was too blurry, the pitter patter of the rain was too irritating and loud, the feeling of the heater blowing on his face was too textured, making him want to crawl out of his skin.
It was definitely time for a break, he decided as he clenched and unclenched the worn leather steering wheel under his hands.
"Wu Xie." The voice startled him from his thoughts, causing him to jump a little in his seat. He turned to glance at the other, nothing the questioning look in his stoic companion's eyes. Too many, too much, I can't focus.
"Hm?" He replied, attempting to ignore the sensations around himself.
"Pull over." He glanced at the other again,wide eyed at the command. I get that you're tired but we can't just pull over on the side of a muddy road while it's still raining, we might get stuck.
They had passed a road sign informing that the next town was fifteen miles further a few minutes back, and Wu Xie was determined to make it to the town before they stopped.
"We should only have..." He glanced at the mileage meter on the car. "About twelve miles left, then we can stop after getting gas and something to eat." He stated calmly, belying his inner state.
The other stayed silent, which he chose to interpret as agreement.
He resisted the urge to sigh as silence once more took over.


"Where is he?!" Hendry shouted at the three men, who stood glowering at the floor as if it had caused their problems.
"How did you lose him, it should be impossible for him to overpower the two of you!" Cox Hendry was not bothering to let them explain, clearly pissed at having lost his prey. However, after a few minutes of this, he calmed down,and released a deep sigh.
"It's my fault, of course he escaped, I had forgotten that he is a descendant of The Nine, naturally he would be clever enough to get away from a couple of brainless brutes, *knowing that family, he was probably raised in entirely more dangerous situations, and would be accustomed to sneaking away easily from them.*"
The men flinched at being called brainless, but felt somewhat relieved that it seemed the job might be passed on to their superiors instead,since they had been deemed incapable. The three had absolutely no desire to sit inside a cramped car in the rain for hours at a time anymore.
What could possibly be so valuable about that quiet pretty-boy anyway? Their boss wasn't the type to hold someone for ransom, and definitely did not swing in that direction either.
  No. The only reason why this man would kidnap someone is if they had information, or would be useful in getting to his goal.
And considering that the boy they had been told to nab was relatively scrawny and, more likely than not, couldn't lift more than half his own bodyweight, it had to be information.
  It would really help if the man would speak something other than English so that they could understand.


"They had better have a gas station here." Wu Xie muttered as they drove into the run-down town, everything about the place screamed tradition, or simply a lack of trust in modern conveniences; he was surprised that such a place still existed.
  But at the very least they had a paved road, which gave him hope that they might have a gas station somewhere along it.
He glanced at his phone, hoping that it might have gained a signal, in vain, as it seemed that there was none to find. Come on Wu Xie, you need to get it together. You were literally raised to rely on maps and clues rather than technology..... But that only works when you have a map... Or a clue of some sort. He saw an inn tucked into a corner of the road and sighed in resignation, the mere thought of a bed brought his exhaustion to the forefront of his mind. I can ask the innkeeper about a gas station when we get inside.

However, that plan seemed to be thought of in vain as the moment they stepped past the door, the two could feel the shift in energies, feeling as though a shroud of darkness cloaked the room.

"Welcome!" An old woman stood by a table, conversing with a small group of young men and women, who appeared to be on vacation, if the lack of substantial supplies and colorful jackets were anything to go by.

The old woman hurried over, wisps of gray hair falling from her bun as she hobbled to greet them at the door. A warm smile grew on her face, practiced for the purpose of bringing travelers in to stay.
"How can I help you two gentlemen? Aiya you look exhausted, please sit, sit." The woman insisted, guiding them to a table with an almost maternal air.
"What would you like to eat? Let's see... I have just the thing, I have some freshly boiled dumplings just ready to pop on a plate, that sounds good yes? Aish you really do look worse for wear, I'll have a bath brought to your rooms after you eat." The woman barely paused for breath, let alone allowing them a moment to answer for themselves.
Wu Xie smiled the warmest smile he could manage for the woman, which still appeared exuberantly bright and innocent. Tianzhen...
Pangzi's nickname echoed in his head.

"That sounds amazing! However we will only need one room." Safety in numbers. "Also, auntie, do you know where we might find a gas station nearby? My friend and I will have found ourselves in a predicament without one."

Something in the woman's expression shifted, barely noticeable, before she smiled wholesomely. " A predicament indeed, although it seems you might have already found a few, given the state of you." She glanced them up and down for emphasis. " Ah but not to worry hun,  there is one just a few miles down south of town, if you don't have the fuel to get there, then old Lou would be happy to take you there, when he goes on Wednesday. " She leaned down conspiratorially, and mock whispered the next part. "He has one of those big farm trucks, nasty smelly thing, if you ask me, but he insists it's more efficient than the old ways. As if!" With this the woman rolled her eyes and walked away, presumably to gather their food.

Wu Xie turned to exchange a glance with his comrade, he felt the place was suspicious, and he hoped that his gaze reflected that thought.
Luckily Xiaoge seemed to understand, and nodded once in agreement.
When did I start relying on others like this? No Wu Xie you know that you can't trust him, it just opens the way to betrayal more easily.
Xiaoge was now studying their surroundings, sharp gaze searching for any sign of something being amiss.
Tianzhen. Perhaps the nickname fits after all.


To be honest guys I have no idea what I'm doing, I lost my extended plot somewhere in the exhaustion of work life, but I'm trying my best to regain some direction, because I really don't want to drop the story after I already put so much into it. I have an idea for the next chapter, so that is in the works now, thank you for your patience and support.

P.s. comments make my day! Criticism, questions, or otherwise.

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