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Second Person's POV

Ever since then, you didn't meet the Akashi siblings anymore. You didn't know why but you couldn't do anything about it. Your life had become more stressful and depressing for you that you ended up forgetting about them for a while.

Your relationship with your parents went into the most terrible direction. They completely despised you with all their hearts as they began to not care about you at all. You were treated like a stranger in the house or worse-- maid.

Dad had started hitting you and threw worse insults at your face. Honestly, he was being a total bastard toward you. Not even once he acted like a father.

Mom didn't give a fuck to you too. Everytime Dad yelled or hit you, she simply watched. In fact, you did catch her smiling as if she was happy and contented. She also would find excuse to get mad at you.

Sumire never came home. After she finished her study, she went straight to work at a company in the busiest part of Tokyo City. You barely kept in touch with her. She couldn't answer your call all the time due to her being occupied with work.

Because of Sumire's situation, you decided to not vent to her about whatever you went through at home. You refused to worry and trouble her.

Your parents' horrible treatment started taking a toll on your mental health. Crying was a daily activity now. Fear crawled in your system 24/7. You frequently got anxiety attack and overthinking a lot. You wanted to avoid upsetting your parents but it was futile.

You didn't have to do anything and they would resort to violence and used insults on you..

Entering middle high school just made your life a few times harder. Some boys at the school picked on and harassed you. Girls didn't even want to approach you at all. You were alone in your class, with no mutual friends.

Each day became difficult for you to handle. You were only 13, but you felt like ending your life. The continuous suffering and harassment were too much for you to take in. Fate was being unfair and cruel to you.

Nothing but depressing, devastating thoughts haunted your mind.

You were barely clinging to the tiny bit of hope left within you.

The only reason you were alive was because of your friends. Yes, your new friends you met when you were 11. Ken, Takashi, Pah-chin and Kazutora. They were your safe place. Manjiro was your comfort person. With them, you could be yourself and put on a smile on your face.

Yes, they made you smile. Especially Manjiro.

They were your hope.

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