Chapter 1: The last morning

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author's note: This book is my first fanfic. And it is just my fantasy. I don't think it will be in the serial (The dragon prince).

The morning.

Callum wakes up. He looked at the sun it was very pretty nice today. Then he get up and said," good morning Rayla." But no one answered. He looked across the room and saw an empty bed.

"I think maybe she is out with Ezran and Soren," he said and got up. He takes his boots on and scarves then suddenly he saw a letter on the table. He goes to it and took it into his hands. He saw a glowing feather right next to it.

He could remember that feather, he gave it to Rayla when they yesterday was in the Moon Nexus, wet and cold. "Is this from Rayla?" He asked himself. He opens the letter and looked inside. He saw that the handwriting looks like Rayla's. He reads all the letters, his eyes were full of soreness and misunderstanding. Tears were streaming down his cheek.

A couple of tears fell on the letter, thus forming wet dots.

There stood:

Deer Callum.
Maybe it is a wrong idea I go to Viren alone without you. But I will not let you be in danger. You need to understand Viren took all from me, my parents, and Runnan. I will not let him take you too. I think you need to be here with Ezran and Soren. And happy birthday and I'm sorry I had to leave today of all days. I hope we will see each other again.

With love Rayla.

Then Callum stared at the letter in his hand, anger bubbling up inside him. He clenched the paper tighter, wrinkling it as he debated ripping it apart. She'd left him. She'd LEFT him. No matter how many times he repeated it in his head, it still hadn't sunk in. Rayla, the love of his life, had left him after one fight.

Her letter had made it very clear that she wasn't breaking up with him, but she was leaving him behind. In his mind, that was worse. At least if she broke up with him, he could say she didn't love him anymore or they weren't compatible. At least then, he could let her go in peace. But no. Her reasons had been that she loved him too much to see him get hurt and so she was running after Viren on her own.

Throwing the letter to the side, he buried his head in his hands. Stupid! Both of them were such idiots. She for going after a dangerous man by herself and him for thinking she was going to stay still. She'd told him she didn't have answers and he hadn't listened. He'd missed the signs that it was eating her up inside that she didn't know what exactly had happened to her parents or Runnan. He was a fool for thinking he was enough for her.

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