Chapter 12: I will not let it be!

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With Callum:

There has gone a week since Callum becomes king of Ecrosolum. He learned how to fence. He learned to do some magic, from all six primal sources. Like do rock wall( from earth arcanum). Breathe underwater( from sea arcanum). Walk on lava( from sun arcanum). Read minds( from star arcanum). Make illusions( from moon arcanum). And the last, blow ice( from sky arcanum). It was the day when they had to rescue Rayla from Viren.

Callum was sitting on the steps of the castle and rereading the list of references that Sensei made to him. "Dedo reco, makes a wall of stone for a minute. Gundo wech, makes it so that you can breathe underwater for 5 minutes. The next one, Egolis, makes it so, you can walk on lava for 30 seconds. Next, Sevoaero, do so that you can read thoughts. And, Alusin, makes an allusion. And Aspiro frigis, that can blow ice," Callum reread the list several times to remember everything.

(Sorry I am very bad to come up with names for spells).

" Are you ready, my king?" Callum turned around at the voice coming from behind him." It's you Sensei, I thought Nevis wanted to look at my hand again," Callum twirled his hand for proof. "Yes, I see. Do you remember what you need to do today?" Sensei asked." We're going to rescue Rayla from Viren," Callum said, looking at the floor.

"What is it? Aren't you glad?" Sensei was looking at Callum." I'm glad but.." Sensei saw how Callum's tears poured down his cheeks. "If Viren did something to her or even..  dead," Callum had tears streaming down his cheeks.

" Do not Cry. I was there yesterday and I saw her. She's alive and she's also wearing your scarf," Sensei said, smiling.

"Yes? seriously? Are you serious?" Callum says wiping away tears. "But how did you see her? Darok said that it is not possible to create portals, for now. How did you make the portal, yesterday?" Callum asked, rising from the steps." I just repeated the spell one more time. And I did it!"Said Sensei. "You just have to want very much. Remember, Callum, if you really want something, you just have to strive for it. Understand?" Sensei said and placed his palms on Callum's shoulders. "Yes.. understood.. thank you.. Sensei," said Callum whimpering and wiping away tears.

" All right, let's go, we need to go to the gate. we've been waiting there for a long time, let's go," Sensei said smiling. "Also, I almost forgot. Take this!" Sensei unsheathed a spear. Callum took the spear in his hands and carefully turned it around. "It looks like my mom's spear,"Callum  said  looking at Sensei with big eyes. "Yes, you're right. This is your mother's spear. I took him away yesterday, so that you could be sure that someone is always with you," Sensei said smiling."Thank you Sensei, for everything you did to me when I was here," Sensei smiled after Callum said that. Sensei even had tears." Are you crying?" Callum asked."What? No! I'm not crying," Sensei said, wiping away tears."Come on, we have to go already," Sensei strode to the gate.

He was walking so fast that Callum couldn't even keep up with him." Sensei, not so fast! I can't keep up with you," Callum almost ran after him to catch up. "Please not so fast," Callum was almost out of breath from running." We're already late," Sensei said as he approached the gate. Callum also ran up to the gate, but not as fast as Sensei. It was hard for him because of the spear. When he reached the gate, he looked back.

Near the gate stood Darok, Nevis, Sensei and some other guy whom Callum had never seen.

"Oh, hello King Cal. Do you like the spear, that Sensei brought you?" Darok asked, when Callum reaches the gate." It is nice, but very hard to wear, but not to use," Callum said, examining everyone. "Who is this," Callum asked, pointing on the guy who was standing near Darok." Oh, I forgot to introduce you! Callum, this is Ned. He is a simple guy, who is your squire. He will carry your weapons and help you in battles,"  Darok explained it to Callum. Callum walked up to Ned and shook his hand.  "Nice to meet you Ned," Callum smiled." It's a pleasure to meet King Cal," Ned said with a smile." Don't be like that, just Callum," Callum said." All right, Callum," Ned said. Callum examined the team.

He was surprised when he saw that Nevis was coming with them. "Excuse me for asking, but why is Nevis coming with us? He's a medic," Callum said with surprise. "What do you think I can't fight! You're wrong. I can not only heal, but also fight," Nevis said with a grin.

" Sorry I didn't mean to offend," Callum said, rubbing the back of his head.

" Nothing, you didn't offend me," Nevis said smiling."Well, everyone remembers why we're here?" Sensei asked. "Yes!" everyone said in unison." All right, here are the patches and scarves for you all," Sensei said, handing out black patches and scarves to everyone. Everyone started putting on patches and scarves, only Callum was confused."Why do we have to wear patches and scarves?" He asked, " We're like Moonshedow Elves. We have to be secretive," Darok said."All right, let's get started," Callum said, pulling on his patche and scarf.

Sensei nodded and muttered some words, after the words he drew a rune. Suddenly a portal appeared in front of them. Callum was surprised, Sensei had never shown him how to do it.

When Callum looked at Nevis, Sensei turned around to check that everyone was ready." Are you ready?" he asked addressing everyone. "Yes," everyone said, putting caps on their heads." Okay, let's go," Sensei said and entered in the portal. He was followed by Nevis, Ned and Darok. The very last to enter was Callum. He looked around and entered.


With Rayla:

Rayla was still in the cell. She was there for at least a week. It also means that Callum has been gone for about a week. Rayla sat on the floor and thought about how she could get out of here. She knew that her blades were around the corner of her cell. But there was one problem. Always Viren and the evil double of Callum, always walked near them. This means that she needs to find another way to escape.

But when Rayla was about to come up with something, she noticed that a portal appeared in front of her camera. Suddenly, Rayla realized, an old man and three other assassins jumped out of the portal. and after these three, the most inexperienced of them jumped out. "Are we even here?" The same guy who jumped out of the portal last asked.

Rayla noticed that his voice was very familiar to her. But she had forgotten whose voice it was. "Look around," said the oldest of them. "Do you recognize it?" the guy looked around."Yes, it looks like where I was," Rayla was surprised.

"Excuse me..."everyone looked around and noticed her. The guy fell when he noticed her. "Could you help me," Rayla asked after a long silence. That guy who had fallen, stood up and looked at her. Rayla noticed that the guy had green eyes like Callum. "I can help you," he says. "Can you?"  Rayla said. The guy nodded and pulled a spear out of his back. He swung his spear and hit the lock. The lock fell to the floor. Rayla saw that this guy approach her." Can I...?" the guy pointed to the chain. Rayla nodded."Sensei, give me the Sword of the Sun," the guy said. The oldest of them pulled out the dagger of the sun and threw it to the guy.

"Come on, hurry up," the oldest of them said, looking around. The guy nodded and took the chain off Rayla's hands. "Thank you," Rayla said, standing up. "You're welcome," the guy said, getting up. But suddenly they heard footsteps. Rayla rushed to her blades.

When she wanted to run to the steps, she was stopped by the same guy who freed her. "Don't run to the steps. Where do you need to go? We will send you there," the guy said, glancing at the elder. The eldest of them nodded. "I have to go to Kotolis," Rayla said. the guy nodded and looked at the eldest of them all. The eldest of them muttered something to himself and than made a rune. A portal appeared in front of them. "Go there before it's too late," the guy said."Okay, thank you for everything!" Rayla said and jumped into the portal...

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