Chapter 6: Fake death

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With Callum and Rayla:

"But how do you end here? Rayla asks." Emmmm, when I waked, I saw that you was not there, and I goes after you," Callum explained." Callum! What could you think!?" Rayla cried out." Sorry, I think that I could find you. But anyway  we are here, and we can't change the past," Callum says and hugs her." Anyway,  you could be more hurt, than  you arm," Rayla says  and hugs him back.
"Ahhhh, my arm," Callum screams." Are you OK!?" Rayla looked worried at Callum." I am ok, it is just my arm," Callum showed at his arm." Let me see it, pull the sleeve up," Callum pulled the sleeve up." What is there?"  Callum asks. Rayla looks at his arm, she saw that the half part of the arm was purple." I thinks, anything else,  but not that!" Callum looked at his arm." WHAT IS THAT!?" Callum screams." Shhhhhhh, don't scream," Rayla shut him." Sorry, sorry, I don't meant it. But what is it, anyway?" He looked at Rayla." I have never seen that before. It seems like something from dark magic," Rayla explained." But how could it be?" Callum looked confused." Oh, you dump human, I have no idea, but it seems very like that," Rayla says, and than touched his nose. Than she  grinned at him. "I am still confused, how cloud dark magic come into my arm," than Callum could remember one of his nightmares, when his dark side says, that the humanity will remember about her self." I don't now Callum. I hope it will go away," she looked at him." I hope it to Rayla," Callum says and kiss her.

Author: Sorry, but there need to be more rayllum moments.


With Viren and Callums dark side:

"You are awesome," Viren says. " What need I do?" Callums dark Side asks." We need to destroy your good side," Viren says with a smirk." You mean to kill him?" Callums dark side asked." Yes. When he die you will be the new Callum," Viren grinned.

"Dad! Dad! May I come in!?" It was Cloudier. She was right in front of the door." Yes you can Cloudier," Than Cloudier opened the door.  She was very surprised when she saw Callums dark side, right next to Viren." Dad.."
"I know it Cloudier. Say hello to the knew Callum," Viren points at Callums dark side." He Is the dark side of Callum," Viren explains.

" He Is the dark side of Callum," Viren explains

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"That means.. we need..?" Cloudier asked." Yes Cloudier. I sayed that yesterday," Viren says." You can see, that Callum don't like you anymore," Viren looked at Cloudier." But you still cares about him," Viren turned to Callums dark side." Have you a name?" Viren asked Callums dark side." My name is Villon," Viren smiles, when he has heard the name." Perfect name. Oh, we need to go to Callum, will you come?" Viren asked." Yes I will come," Villon says.


With Rayla and Callum:

Callum looked at his arm. The arm hurts, when he thought it." Callum could you hear it!?" Rayla asks." Someone is coming!" Callum looked around, to see who is it. Callum saw two green eyes in the darkness." Who is it?" Callum asked." Your nightmare!" The mystical man says." I know you?" Callum asked." Yes, you know me very well," then the man goes out of the darkness." MY DARK SIDE!!!" Callum screams." Heh, I can see you know each other," Callum could see how Viren goes out of the darkness." What did you do!?" Callum cried." I has just take your power and make your dark side," Viren explains with a grinned." Villon take him out of the cell. He need to see the another world very, soon," Viren grinned. Callum understand what this means.

"No, Callum please!" Rayla cry's. Callum looked at her. The cell opened and his dark side takes him out." RAYLA!" Callum screams."CALLUM! NO PLEASE!" Callum saw how she cry's.

He was taking to the another place. It seems like,  there was a big  crevice." What is your last words!?" Viren asked him. He led him to the edge of the crevice." I wants you to die," Callum says. Viren grinned. "He he, I don't think it will happen," Viren takes his staff. He made a ray that hits Callum. Callum falls into the crevice, he screamed. He could not says the magic words (Manus pluma volantis) to help him.
He had magical shackles on his arms, which he couldn't do anything.

Rayla could, hear Callums screams. She cry's. She hate, that she could not help him.

Callum falls in the Darkness. He saw that a rock falls right above him. He saw that a portal was formed. which he jumped. Right when the portal closed, the stone fell to the ground and broke. Viren thinks that it was Callum who falls to the ground.

Rayla could hear it too(because elf's hear very well). She thinks the same as Viren. She looked at the ground. She saw Callums scarf that was lying on the ground. She took it up and puts it on. It was the only thing she had from him...

Author: I cried when I wrote this chapter. The next chapter is called I...I'm alive. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. see you soon.

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