Chapter 16: Without a family

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With Callum:

When they got back to Ecrosolum, they were all tired and hungry." I'll go and eat, then Callum I'll find a book about these coins, "Darok pointed to the bag that Callum gently pressed in his hands.

Callum looked at the bag." Darok, I think Viren will be looking for me. Because I think he'll notice that Villon is gone, and then he'll think that is me, because some of my blood is still on the ground in the cave and I now that he can just say his magic words and see who is it. He will be looking for me to kill. And if I want to return to Katolis, then he will follow me, and I just can't imagine what he will be able to do with everyone who did not support him the last time he was there. And of course this list includes Ezran, Rayla, Soren and my Aunt Amaya and the half of the kingdom. I think I'll have to stay here for about a month or even more. And maybe when I finally get out, Rayla and Ezran will have no hope that I'm alive for that long time,"Callum said holding back tears."Hey, I think that everything will be fine and that you will see them very soon, understand?" Darok asked Callum. He nodded and smiled."Yeah, maybe you're right,"Darok smiled and looked at Callum.

"Oh, Callum, don't forget that you will need to give orders for the first time today. Because you are the king and you need to do something for the people. Because everyone is starving and it is necessary to do something in the end," Darok said.

"I think I know what to do," said Callum smiling." Okay, I'll listen to you after I've eaten, okay?" Darok asked with a smile." Okay, I'll meet you in the throne room," said Callum with a smile. Darok nodded and left.


With Viren and Cloudier

Viren walked through the dark corridors of the cave. He was looking for Villon. He didn't understand why he hadn't come to his office 5 minutes ago.' Maybe the elf did something to him, to escape? Viren thought.

He was approaching the cell where Rayla was. He looked inside and saw that she was gone. He peeked around the corner where her blades should have been. But they weren't there. Viren pressed himself against the wall and began to move slowly.
After a while, he saw a pool of blood in front of him. he quickly ran up to the place. He saw that Villon was dead. He approached him and noticed that there were two different blood on the floor. one is lighter and the other is darker.

He scooped up the blood and poured it into the flask that was on his belt." It doesn't look like elf blood. It looks more like human blood. I'll find out who killed him," with these words Viren went to his office.

Again with Callum:

Callum was in the throne room. He was nervous. It will be his first time to do a decree. He looked out the window, there was a full moon in the sky." I hope you're okay, Rayla," Callum sighed and looked at the throne. He went up to it and touched it's corner.

Than suddenly someone knocked in the door.  Callum looked away from the throne." Come in," he says. The door opened and in the room entered Darok. He had a book in his hand." Hello Callum, are you ready to do  royal affairs today?" Darok asks giving the book to  into Callum's hands." Yes, I am," Callum said, looking at the book." Is this the book you told me about?" Callum asked, turning the book over.

The book was old and dusty, it seemed that it was hundreds of years old. It was made of leather and a red bookmark stuck out on one of the pages.

" Yes, this is the book I told you about," Darok said. " Where I put the bookmark, there is a page on which there is written, how to get someone out of this coins," Darok said and pointed on the bag, which Callum was still holding in his hands.

"I'll read it later, when I'm done with these royal affairs," Callum said, placing the book on the throne's arm." Okay, I remember that you wanted to offer your idea," Darok said lokking at Callum." Yes, I want you to give all the grain and seeds to farmers and ordinary citizens, so  they can grow the wheat and other vegetables things," Callum said."
But if we give everything to them, then you will have no food, only one bread will remain," Darok said. "and what? I just need bread and everything, and the rest of the people until everything becomes normal," said Callum." You're like you dad," Darok said with a smile." are you Serious?" Callum looked confused on him."Yes, you are like him, with your generosity, bravery, mercy and love for your loved ones," Darok said." Thanks, Darok for that," Callum says and smiled.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.
The next chapter is called, We need help!
I hope to see you soon guys!

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