My Lady?"
The voice repeated as I reached the top of the staircase.
"Halthron? "
A mop of dark brown hair came rushing over as I met him half-way to the side of the balcony.
Slamming a hand over his heart before bowing his head towards me, then nodding in acknowledgement to Elrond and Gandalf. It was just then I looked over my shoulder to notice that the Dwarves were still yet to follow us up. Greeting Halthron back and I pulled him farther off to the side, I questioned, "What's wrong?"
"Sister, -" he whispered and off he went. He panted and spoke so rushed and hushly that it took me a minute to comprehend that he was speaking in our crudest and oldest language.
"Then I traveled back to Bree and when you weren't there, and they said that you went off on this quest and I thought I leave a letter or have Lord Elrond send for you or leave something here for Lo-"
"Hey, hey slow down." Snapping his mouth, he panted as he placed his hands on his knees. "My apologies, My lady." He breathed.
"It's okay, just tell me what's got you so worked up and out of breath?" Halthron slowly pulled himself up straight, wheezing slightly.
Finally, after swallowing deeply, he spoke more clearly. "My Lady, please know that I tried to find you or My Lord as quickly as I could. I rushed all over the countryside to find one or you."
"It's fine, just tell me the problem, I never heard you use Adûnayân before?" He nodded "I know My lady, it's just the situation that has transpired that calls for me to speak like this here."
"What's the situation?"
"We found tracks outside the High Fells."
Narration Switch.
"What about Lady Aranea?" Asked Bilbo as he raised his hand to be seen from the middle of the crowd. The dwarves all muttered their agreements.
"She'll catch up with us in a minute." Gandalf reassured them.
"Trust me, she knows the way to the dining hall." Elrond laughed heartily before continuing down the small path to the said dining hall. The Elf King and The Grey Wizard smiled at each other as they walked ahead talking lowly in Elvish.
"Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" Elrond coughed and glanced behind them at the dwarf king, who was too busy glaring at Dwalin to notice the attention.
"It depends..."
"On?" Elrond waited impatiently.
"What you think you see." Gandalf smiled teasingly at the eye roll from the elf next to him.
"Erthil is like a daughter to me Mithrandir. I am only-"
"I know Mellon, and don't worry the longing looks have been only mutual."
Laughing at the almost pained grimace on Elrond's face Gandalf continued "I believe there is more at play between the two than we both might think." Before Elrond could ask, Gandalf interrupted, "It is kind of you to invite us. Not really dressed for dinner." Gesturing to his robes, Gandalf smiled apologetically.

Cloaked in Green
FanfictionFili Durin x FemOC! (Currently being edited, if it doesn't make sense please wait lol) Rumors spread over the lands of the mysterious and calm warrior with no name . A brilliant archer and swordsmen. The tales say that they can slice the throat of...