[5] First mission

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"Holy shit! This place is huge!" Itto shouted when all seven of you were standing right outside the estate that you all will be living together in.

"There's a total of eight rooms but two of them are considered guest rooms. Most likely if Thoma, Beidou or I are staying here for some nights for work and meetings." Ayato walks over to the door and puts in a pin.

Oh, what the fuck?

"Even a pin number to get inside!? I'm fucking SOLD!" Itto and Hu tao were jumping in glee as if they won the lottery. Both are them are the most hyper ones in the group.

Xiao rolled his eyes at the action and slowly moved away and stood by you and Yoimiya. Thoma laughed watching the two and motioned for everyone to follow Ayato inside.

The feelings you were having earlier from the meeting on knowing the Fatui members still lingered, making you still quiet.

Yoimiya was holding your hand, giving you reassuring squeezes when your eyes wandered else where.

When Ayato and Thoma were up front showing everyone the large house, where everything was and which rooms were yours, you felt someones eyes on you but whenever you looked up there was nothing.

You were still walking around until Ayato spoke, "That's the end of the tour, but if you guys decide to bunk together that is fine." He pauses, seeming like he had something else to say but he doesn't.

Itto and the guys left to go to their rooms or to the cool entertainment room down in the basement that had a pool table, arcade games and a bar.

Except, for one man.

Ayato was lingering and while you were still holding hands with Yoimiya and she was talking to Hu tao, he was standing awkwardly a few feet away.

"Ladies, will it be alright if I steal y/n for a bit?" Yoimiya looks at the Kamisato and then back at you, seeing you nod she gives you a squeeze.

Both Yoimiya and Hu tao waved at you both and headed downstairs to the direction of the basement, leaving you and Ayato alone.

He clears his throat, "would you like some tea?" You nod and follow him to the kitchen.

It's quiet but you could hear the faint sounds of yelling from down below. "You said there was something you wanted to talk about."

Ayato huffs a small laugh, putting the kettle on the stove, "straight to the point huh? I like that," dropping in two chamomile tea bags, "yes, I did say that, didn't I."

You sat down slowly on the high bar stool silently watching—chin resting on your palm. This was probably the first time you've heard him talk more, and seeing him up close, he looked about as tall as Itto just slightly shorter.

Upon looking for another moment, his hair was long as well just falling halfway down his back, but the way his hair is always up in a high ponytail you can barely tell that fact.

"I noticed you seemed a bit off today," he quietly says as his back was still facing you, "did something happen?" Then that was when he faced you fully, hands resting on the counter behind him.

"Ahh that. It's nothing really important." You tried smiling your way to get away from the topic but it was no use.

He turns around to grab two black tea cups, setting them down on the kitchen island next to you. Ayato walks back to the stove when the kettle starts whistling.

"I don't believe that." He says as he glances at you once then starts pouring the tea in the two cups—pushing yours in front of you.

You cleared your throat before giving a simple thank you and brought the cup to your lips—slow sips and setting the cup down. "It's just.. a really long story," laughing awkwardly, taking another sip.

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