[11] The call

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After that night with the mission, thing's sort of changed...

No one spoke about the argument that happened between Itto and Ayato whenever they were around or in the house. It was kept between you, the girls and Xiao and Thoma though Xiao wasn't all about the drama, but even he seemed interested.

It's been two weeks already and there hasn't been a word about Ayaka yet. Even with keeping an eye on Scaramouche and the Fatui, there hadn't been any activity with how everyone acted. It still felt the same with them.

Even during meetings whenever Ayato or Beidou messages in the group chat. Itto had gone quiet in the group, but even more quiet when you're sitting down in a meeting room when Ayato is around.

Everyone knew something was up between them and was shooting glances at the two of them. You and Yoimiya kept sending looks at one another whenever Ayato spoke—watching how Itto reacts, and noticing he gives a huff and sinks further into his seat.

And when Ayato isn't around, Itto is... quiet but he's still himself, in a way.

So right now it was 1:15 AM and having a little girls day in your guys room. Hu tao was painting your nails black to match with her and Yoimiya, since Hu tao painted hers a few minutes ago and wanted you to match with them.

"Do you guys still wonder what they were yelling about? I mean, it seemed like it was getting heated!" Hu tao glances up at you and Yoimiya then continues on painting your nails.

"Yeah! Whatever it was, must've set Itto off for him to get like that.. it's probably the second time he's gotten that mad like that. Right?" Yoimiya turns to face you as she quirked a brow up.

You nodded—the first time was when you and Itto both got arrested that one night.

"I don't know if I was imagining things but... I think I heard one of them say your name, hehe." Hu tao grins and nudges you with her elbow and wiggles her brows at you.

"Shut up I don't think they did." You rolled your eyes.

Both girls laughed and shared a look with one another and you raised a brow at that, giving them a 'what?' And they both shook their heads in unison.

"Oh! I... we both have something to say, to you and maybe the guys later. But now, it'll be you first!" Yoimiya exclaims from where she was sitting at on her own bed, facing you and Hu tao.

Hu tao turns around quickly to face the blonde and noticing the tips of her ears were becoming red—now that raised some questions.

"Do continue Yoimiya," you smile at her, somewhat having a feeling of what it'll be, "I'm all ears!"

"Well y'know how we went to the movies and all that?" You nod with a hum, "Something... might've happened that night too—" and before she was going to continue, a pillow was thrown at her face at full force, making her cry out at the sudden attack by the Hu tao.

"What the hell was that for!" Yoimiya rubs away at her face and frowns at Hu tao, who is sticking her tongue out to her and laughs, but her face was still red from earlier.

"You know very well why! I did that."

From the little interaction just now you can already guess what exactly happened.

"Ohhh I see now..." you grinned mischievously and lean back against a beanbag and nod to yourself.

Both girls avert their attention towards you, "w-what do you mean?" Hu tao's voice was slightly shaky but she recovered quickly, "what'd you figure out, huh?"

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