[12] After dark

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Flashback to 2 weeks ago

When everyone got back home after the rescue mission for Tsaritsa, Itto had his hands shoved into his pockets and looking off to the side as he followed Ayato inside one of the vacant rooms.

The two men didn't talk to one another for what felt like eternity until Ayato released a sigh.

"What you guys did back there.... Was very reckless. You guy's could've gotten hurt." Ayato firmly says as he leans against a large desk behind him. From the looks of it, the room was an old library room.

Itto only looked away with a glare and looking outside the large windows in the room. His hands clenched inside the pockets of his pants, thinking. Kamisato crossed his arms over his chest and raised a brow.

"Nothing to say?"

Itto huffs out and shrugs as he turns to face the other, "I don't know what you want me to say. We were simply doing a mission that you wanted us to do." He shrugs again and leans against a bookshelf to his right.

Itto really, really wants to step out and have a smoke to calm his nerves down. He's still having some adrenaline from earlier when you, Xiao and the other two were trying to escape the facility before Thoma and Ayato came.

But he knows that there's a lot Ayato wants to say to him so he just waits for the other to say anything.

"Yes, a mission that I wanted you and the group to handle together, not just you and the other three. And I didn't even know notice until something was off with your guy's locations on the app. Were you the one who initiated it?"

Now that, got on Itto's nerves.

"No, I didn't initiate a fucking thing! It was all of ours idea to go on without saying anything. We only told Thoma because we thought it'd be a better bet than having too many people with us." Itto bites out, now has his attention solely on the other man, an angry glare towards them.

"I'm the head of these missions and you didn't think for a sec, that it would've been good for me to know about it?" Ayato's voice slightly raising, but he still held that cool and collected demeanor despite his voice.

"Yeah, sure, we could've! told you about it but you would've had told us to not do anything! We wouldn't have seen that damn body in the abandoned warehouse if we didn't meet up with that little fuck." The Oni pushed himself off the bookshelf, now standing up straighter and throwing up his arms in an angry motion.

Ayato halts a bit after hearing the word body, but shrugs it off for the moment. "It was just you three who went to the warehouse, right? Who knows what Scaramouche could've done. Irresponsible. Who knows if you guys would have been still alive!"

Itto takes in a deep breath and exhales. This is getting him pissed off the more he listens to Ayato, and he just wants to leave.

"Are you trying to shift the blame onto me? It was everyone's idea to not say a damn word!" The Oni was about to turn and leave right now but Ayato had just to name them.

"What about y/n?"

Itto stills in his spot right near the door, just barely reaching out to it when he heard your name.

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