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In the morning Alex came out of the room that was given to her by Colton. She saw Colton in the kitchen waiting for her to come out of the room so they can go downstairs for breakfast. 

" Did you sleep well?" asked Colton. 

" Yes I did, it has been a long time since I slept in a bed". said Alexandra.

That did not sit well with Colton but he pushed it aside in his mind. Both went down stairs for some food. As they walked down many people were staring at them and it made Alexandra feel out of place. They walked to a platform inside the massive diner room where all went to eat their meals as a pack. Colton and Alexandra took their seats on the platform that is meant for the beta and his mate. Food placed on the table for them, the Alpha came into the room and he smiled seeing his best friend with his mate. Alpha Ezekiel was more than pleased that Colton was trying to make the effort towards the girl. Ezekiel went his seat and started to eat his food and everyone else ate as well. 

Colton started to talk with Alexandra about her classes at the school. As both of them were talking there were some girls staring hard at Alexandra, not liking that a rogue was sitting next to the beta. Breakfast was done and Colton told Alex that he was driving her to school just because he wanted to and his wolf as well. He pulled into the parking lot so Alex could leave the car, but he slipped something into her pocket before she shut the door. He watched his mate walk into the school, having a smile on his face never leaving him as he pulled out of the school. 

Alex walked inside and went to her locker to get the things she would need for her first periods of classes. In the start she was getting stares and glares from students, Alex was wondering if she did something wrong. But Alex just shook it off and went on with her day. In one class Alex got a piece of paper that was in a ball, she opened it up to see writing; 

' I see that your trying to steal my mate you dirty rogue. You think that you can just come into our pack and take my man away from me! You have another thing coming!'

Alexandra - 

As I read the note I looked up to see three girls looking at me with such hate. The bell rings and it is time for lunch. I don't want any trouble I am scared that I will be thrown out of school because of many reasons, and among those reasons is fighting. I pack up all of my things and walk out to head to my locker. I checked my pockets and I found a new phone and money that is when I knew it had to come from Colton. I close my locker and head to the cafeteria seeing what they have to offer. As I was looking at the choices I felt my hair being ripped out and that I was being pulled out of the cafeteria, in the distance I could hear cheering from other students. I thrown on the ground on cold titles of the bathroom which I think it is the girls bathroom  turning around I see that it is the same girls from the class before. 

" Hey you rogue. I did a huge mistake coming towards my mate." 

" He is not your mate. He is my mate." I said as I get up. 

" This bitch has some guts. To bad it is not going to last." 

More people came into the bathroom, more girls and three boys.  

What felt like hours it was just a few minutes, they beat me for what reason? That I was mated to my mate? However I did tried to protect myself but I was clearly out numbered. I did feel a light breeze that came into the bathroom and the people that were hurting me were just gone filling my blurry eyes was a figure of a male student. Then I was out. 

Emmett - 

I got to the bathroom as fast as I could. When I saw the poor girl all bloody and some bones were broken I knew that Colton is going to be pissed off. After Alex passed out in my arms I pulled out my phone to call Colton. When I told him what happen I heard a low growl over the phone before I hanged up the phone call. I took Alexandra out of the bathroom to the nurses office where I helped her by cleaning the blood while I waited for Colton to arrive to the school. 

Colton - 

When Emmett told me what happen to Alex, me and my wolf were more than pissed about the whole thing. Me and the Alpha went to the school because not only the students that harmed my mate the teachers are in trouble as well. 

Walking in I smell for Alexandra and found out that she was in the nurses office with Emmett. Emmett is like my son, I bit him a while back as a result he shifted into a wolf, he is a good kid and he has the skill to be the best warrior. When I see Alexandra all bloody, " WHO WAS IT!" 

" Chloe, Molly, Tara, Monica, Davis, Randall and Peter are the ones who hurt in the bathroom. And the teachers who stood aside was Miss Clarke, Miss Drew and Mr. Nolan." 

" I have the teachers. Colton she will be fine." Said the Alpha as he walked away. 

" Mindlink me when she wakes up" Said Colton. 

Colton went to every class to pull each of the students that harmed his mate to the front office. 

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