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After getting the treat from the midnight pack everyone in the pack were just waiting for an attack to happen. Alexandra went on to school on the order of Colton, Emmett had to stay behind at the pack because his rank is warrior and the warriors are needed to be there on pack lands. 

So it was just Alexandra and Layla that went to school, but during that time Colton gave Alexandra some tips on driving, so there for she can drive herself to school from now on. Layla did not want to leave her mate that she just met no longer ago but she knew how serious this is.


Alexandra - 

Another day of school, I don't want to go to school, my worry level grows everyday for Colton and the threat from the midnight pack. But Colton wants me to have an education for the future. So pulling on my clothes for the day going to the car while I wait for Layla to say goodbye to Emmett while we go to school. Colton thought it would be best if Emmett stayed in the pack, Colton is having him home schooled on other matters. Me and Layla go to school were the school is on strict orders as well. Great. 

Hours pass by and Layla and I are finally home, all I want is a long hot shower and sleep.  This would be the same for a few more weeks of the same routine of everything. Go school, get home, curfew, etc...


2 months later 

Colton - 

We have been on lock down of sorts for a while and everyone is biting to be free from this issue. All just want to roam around the pack lands but can not do that because of the issue with the midnight pack being a huge pain in our asses. 

Alexandra, my lovely mate is bored being kept inside of the pack house for so long, I rather have her bored in the pack house than something horrible. So I have something in mind to make my love happy. I talked with the Alpha about my plans for that I have tonight with me and Alexandra. So not it was time to set my plans in motion for tonight. 

Alexandra - 

I am sitting in my favorite chair reading a book that I choose from the pack library, it has been real dull around here since the midnight pack leaving their calling card. Every since than no one was able to leave the pack lands for anything. We can not even ran like we did before, I am getting bored everyday. All that I can do is read, read, sleep, and watch everything pass by. Even more so with Colton, he has been very controlling when I step outside. I did not understand why he was being that way until Emmett told me about the other two mates Colton had before me. That the first died from a rogue attack, watching her die. Then the second one cheating on him. I felt for him, and then I understood some what he is feeling.  I hear the front door of the room open seeing that it is Colton. I smile at him, he has something behind his back. 

" What are you up to Colton?" 

" Oh nothing, I thought that you would like to hear something today. And I have a feeling that it will make you very happy." 

" And what may that be". 

" You and me on a date tonight in town". 

" What?" 

" Yes my love, you and me together, a table for two over a good dinner and more time to ourselves. How would you like that/" 

" I would love it". 

Me and Colton kiss and he tells me to hurry, to get dressed for our datenight. So I run to the bathroom to get myself ready. 

Once I finish I go downstairs to see Colton waiting for me in a nice looking suit but his eyes change color because of what I am wearing. 


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