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Alexandra - 

Being with Emmett made things better for me. As he told me that we have a long day today I was worried on what he means by that. I look at my schedule which is a new schedule by the looks of things. 

    1st ; Homeroom 8:00 to 8:12

  2nd : World history of werewolves and clans 

  3rd  :  Health ( Physical Education) 

 4th :  Math 

5th :  Lunch 

6th :  Gym ( basic Training) 

As I looked over my new schedule telling myself that it is not that bad. Going to homeroom where I met the teacher and listened on what I need to do in the future. Then going to the second period of world history of werewolves and the clans I learned from my old pack that is no longer around, I am the last of my pack. But however I know a few things about the topic. 

I went to my locker to change books seeing that I have health up next. I get to the class in time and I take a seat waiting for the teacher to start. I was not thinking that the teacher would talk about the mating process. The teacher talked about the knots and how the females of the pack are the strong ones to bring their mates back from anger that can hurt themselves or others. That we are highly important to the pack because the pack needs more children so the pack can thrive among others things that is good for the pack. 

After the class was over I had a feeling that my face was a shade of a tomato. It did not help having Emmett laugh about my face color. I shook it off and head to math class, where an hour of boring happen in the class, I looked over to see Emmett asleep in the class.  Finally the class of math was over and it was time for lunch. Me and Emmett went to the cafeteria. the whole place was full somehow me and Emmett got to one of the lines of the station that has hamburgers. Emmett got a massive hamburger with bacon and cheese, the whole thing looked like a mess on a plate. Where I got a massive salad with almost everything on it.  We sat together at a table near a window, the food was great. But I could not shake the feeling that someone was staring at me. 

Soon enough I will find out who was staring at me in Lunch. 

The last class of the day. GYM. yay. I am so ready for it, note my sarcasm. I look around to see mainly girls to the boy ratio inside the gym. My eyes soon stop on the girl who beat me up in the bathroom a while back ago. The one that slept with Colton. I looked at her and she looked at me with her friends. I had a feeling that this was not going to end well. I know that I am not on the strong side but I can not stand aside and let her think that she can take my mate. I can not be weak in this moment. 

We were told to take our places near the mats, the boys of the class were paired up together and the girls were paired up as well. And just my luck I was paired with Monica. 

We got onto the mat. I hear Monica " You think I am just going to let you take Colton away from me and then you embarrassed me that I had to get 10 lashes because of you. No, you are going to pay for what you did to me. It is my turn to embarrass you." Monica said.

Before I lost my father he did tell me not to fight with emotion. At the time I did not understand it. But now I think I do. I see that Monica is acting on her rage towards me and she is going to use all of that emotion to hurt me. 

Course she makes her moves and I doge each and every more she does towards me. She is getting mad with me and her wolf is threatening to come out. Which it does not take to long for Monica's wolf to come out, snapping her teeth at me. Emmett tries to step in front of the protect me but I give him a look not to do that. Everyone has stepped away from Monica, the teachers are telling her to swift back but she does not listen. She charges at me, I move out of the way, it ended up with biting my arm but I have my other arm around her neck communicating with her to submit to me. But she does not so I said it again, she bites harder in my arm so I break her arm and tighten my hold on her neck yelling at her thought the mind link to submit which she finally does. 

All looked at me on what I did, I am not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. My arm has not stopped bleeding which I am trying to stop but I drop out on the ground with the darkness surrounded me. 


Gradually opening her eyes Alexandra found herself in Colton rooms, her rooms as well. She wonder how she got here. She looked down and saw herself change in her pjs and there was a bandage around her arm. Alex felt weak and she wanted to stay in the bed but she got out of the bed. She checked the clock on the wall to see that it is 5:00, the door opened up showing that it was Colton. I could not help but to smile at him. 

He walks over to me and he embraced me in his arms. 

Colton - 

When I was told by Emmett that Monica was starting issues again I was beyond pissed off. When was she going to learn that she is not my mate. However after school finished Emmett brought Alex to the pack house, my wolf lost it when he saw the blood coming from Alex. I could not stop growling at everyone and everything that moved. I took Alex up to our room were I checked her wounds upon her arm, I cleaned the wounds by licking them. A gross thing most would say but it will help to heal the wounds on my mate. After her wounds on her arm half healed I checked her whole body for any other injuries she could have gotten today. 

Other than the complete fact that I was scared of losing another mate again, Alex showed everyone in that gym that respect her earned. I could not be even more proud of my mate as I hugged her in my arms. 

Me and my mate ate our dinner inside our rooms, she was not leaving the room in shorts. We ate and watched a movie on the TV I hardly use. Soon enough we were in bed asleep in each other arms waiting for the next day. 

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