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Colton -

When I was told that my mate is in labor. All I wanted to do is leave this meeting and head back home to my life that needs me.

What seemed like forever we finally arrived to the main pack house. I raced upstairs hearing my mate screaming from the labor.

" Alexandra, I am here, I am right here".

I get behind Alexandra, one of the nurses took a look at Alexandra giving me a look that it was time.

5 minutes in Alexandra is pushing with all her heart I soon hear loud crying. I see this little being in the doctors arms. I see my son. The doctors clean my son and wrap him up in a blanket. Alexandra reaches up to hold our child. I see his face, his small nose and his mothers thick hair. I can not help but start to cry in this moment. Holding my mate in my arms and looking upon my son.

Soon enough I hear Alexandra crying as well.


After all the crying Colton and Alexandra were thinking about names.

" We need to chose a name for him". Said Alexandra.

" Nolan?" I said

" no way". Alex said back to me.

But then I though about a name.

" What about Owen?"

" Owen. I like it" Alexandra said.

I kiss Alexandra on her lips. Alexandra smiles at me and places Owen in my arms. Vowing in my head that I will protect these two with my life. I have so much to live for, and nothing is going to take away all that I have.

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