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Alexandra - 

Me and Colton arrive in the pack going to our rooms of the main pack house. I was tired and I wanted to sleep. But I felt that Colton was not tired I turned around to face him. 

" I am sorry that happen to you. And I will fix the problem at hand but before I do I need to mark you so what happen today never happens again." Said Colton. 

I gulped because I knew that he was right. Colton walked closer to me and me being still not moving from my spot. 

Colton - 

I walked over to Alex I can see in her eyes that she was nervous about the marking but there was something in her eyes that held some pain about my relationships with other women. I will make it up to her, just need to mark what is mine. 

I find the place I will mark her on the neck, I bite down and she screams from me biting her but she soon stops and goes limp in my arms. I pick her up and place her in my bed which is now our bed kissing her forehead before leaving the room to deal with the ones who harmed my mate. 

I walk down to the cells were I see Alpha Ezekiel waiting for me, I bow to him to show my respect. I look over to the students of the pack that hurt my Alexandra, the typical punishment for anyone that harms another mate is 15 lashes for the males and 10 for the females. I wanted to do more but Ezekiel talked me out of it. So we were planning the typical punishment for the ones are kneeling in front of me. Alpha Ezekiel already took care of the teachers of the school who did nothing for Alex.  It bought me and my wolf some joy to listen to their cries from the lashing. After that I went back to my rooms to see Alexandra still asleep in the bed I placed her in.  I smiled brightly seeing my bit on her giving me and my wolf pride that she is mine and no will take her away from me. 

I let Alex sleep for awhile until it got close for dinner, I wake her up so we can go down for the massive dinner that has been prepared for me and her. Alpha Ezekiel found out that I marked Alex and as a result he planned this feast type dinner to welcome the new beta female to the pack. I am not sure that Alex would like the attention she will get from tonight.  As we walked downstairs holding her small hand in mine heading to the main dinner hall were ate breakfast before. I see all of the pack members bowing towards by welcoming Alexandra in the pack. 

" This is for you. They are welcoming you to the pack as the new beta female to the pack". 

We head to our table near the alpha were he was the first one to make a toast to us. 

" My dearest friend and beta to the pack I share your joy by finding your mate. And giving her your mark. I wish you both happiness and joy to your union." Said the alpha. 

" Thank you". I said to him. 

I look over to my mate to see her having a light blush on her face. The whole night went smooth, everyone was happy. I was happy. Something that I though I would never get again but here I am looking at this small beauty. I will doing everything in my power to keep her safe no matter what, I will not lose another mate. 

The feast went on for a while I look at Alexandra whisper in her ear " lets go to our room". 

We walk up to our rooms were I plan to make the night good for both of us. Were I was standing in front of her kissing her face until we got onto the bed. The night went real well for us both, I felt ever more complete when I was with her fully. Alex also gave me her bite which I will show with pride. 

Ending the night with Alex in my arms after our love for the night, I plan to do this as much as I can. I sigh in relief holding her in my arms already asleep, I place my arms tightly around her waist and close my eyes to sleep. 

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