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Alexandra - 

Opening my eyes slowly I look around the room to see Colton asleep having his arms wrapped around me. I can not help but to smile at him, for me to be in this place, to have a mate like him. In the beginning I thought that he did not want me to be his mate nor be around him. But being here right now looking at him could not be better. 

I slowly get out of the bed without trying to wake Colton up. I wince in pain from last night actions and the mark he gave me. I go to the bathroom to wash myself up and ready myself for school. As I am in the shower feeling the hot water going down my face feeling relax I hear the shower door open and  I feel sightly cold but I know that is Colton behind me in the shower. Me and Colton stayed in the shower longer than I wanted to but however I am dressed and ready for the day. Colton and I are sitting enjoying our breakfast before he demanded that he takes me to school. Sitting in the school parking lot Colton looks at me before giving me a kiss, I hop out of the car and I walk to the building were I see Emmett. He seems like a great guy, I mean helped me out that day when I got beat up. 

" Beta female" Emmett says and he bows.

" Oh no, don't do that, please. You can just call me Alex if you like". 

" Well Alex I am very happy to finally meet you. Now let us go to class we have a busy day ahead of us". 

" May I ask what?" 

" You will soon find out". Said Emmett. 

Colton - 

Since I marked Alexandra as my mate I changed a few things for her in school. Changed all of her classes to fit her new rank, she will need the skills as a beta female. And I made sure that Emmett is with her all of the time. I wonder how she will take with the huge change in her schedule. 

I have a open mind link with Emmett to tell me anything and everything that happens with Alexandra. 

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