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Alexandra -

Colton and I had a simple breakfast and now we are relaxing in the front of our new home. We made the change when Colton stepped down from the rank of Beta.

Things turned out better for us living in the cottage. Owen did not want us to leave the house but we chose to.

I look over and see Colton having his eyes close in the chair. I face him and put my hand of his face seeing him smile from my touch.

" you know that I love when you touch me my dear". Colton said.

" That is why I do".

" How about you and me go in town for lunch just the two of us later in the day".  said colton.

" I like the sound of that. What do we do in the mean time?"

" Oh I have a few ideas". Colton said giving me a huge smile.

I shake my head no but he picks me up and we head to our room where we stayed for hours until it was time for lunch.

We hopped in the shower together and went to get dressed.

I slipped on my outfit which was a simple sun dress with some flats. Looking at Colton in casual clothes than suits is very pleasing to the eye. We head out to the front door jumping in the car going to Bridget's Burger Palace.
( I Made up Bridget's Burger Palace).

Me and Colton had a very large lunch and we slowly went back to the car. I looked down at my stomach seeing that it got bigger from all of the food I ate. Once we were home Colton fell asleep on the couch from all of the food he ate. I though it would be best to let him sleep for a while.


At the dinner table as I ate I listened to Axel and Colton talk about strategic movements for the pack. Colton is giving or son some tips on that topic. Just like every other night when Axel comes over he passes out on the couch. I place a blanket on my boy, kissing his forehead. Turning around seeing Colton leading in the door frame smiling at me.

" Let's go for a run. We have not done it in a while".

" Okay".

We both step outside to shift in our wolves. Once we completely shifted into our wolves, Colton nipped my tail. So the game was on huh.

I started to chase Colton while we were in our wolf forms. We spent hours outside in the dark. I looked up at the sky seeing the stars. Never in my life I thought I would get to this point. To have a pack, children and a mate. To have years worth of memories. I felt like I had peace inside me. As I looked at the stars in the night sky Colton licks my face so I lightly sneezed in his face. Could not help to laugh at his face impressions that he made. In the mind link he heard me laughing from sneezing in his face.

Colton next move was to sit on top of me while he licked my face more. Eventually he stopped and I curled myself up in him as he placed his head on my back. We just took in the night air and the quiet.

Alexandra and Colton live on for more years to come. They see their grandchildren be born and the first two great-grandchildren before they pass of old age together in each others arms in the cottage they moved into long ago.

They were the best Beta and Beta female the Blood Moon Pack could ever ask for. The lost of them to their family was hard but it was bound to happen.

Colton and Alexandra were placed with Alpha Ezekiel and Luna Edith in the pack tomb were great leaders are buried.

For Colton and Alexandra they will always find each other even if it is in the after life.

THE END !!!!!!!!!




Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy the story.

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