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Alexandra - 

I woke up crawling out of the bed and away from Colton to ready myself for school. Going to the bathroom to take a shower, I could here Colton waking up and coming into the bathroom. 

Colton opens the shower door " I hope you have a good today". leaning in for a kiss before leaving in his training attire. It was his turn to help train the new members of the pack, I could not help but laugh that he is going to have a long day. 

I go to the closet to pick out my outfit for the day and that is appropriate in the eyes for Colton, he will find out no matter what outfit I wear that is not to his liking. So I settle on 

Checking myself in the mirror to see if the outfit is right and I smile because I have no basic training for the day just music classes and the basic things in school

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Checking myself in the mirror to see if the outfit is right and I smile because I have no basic training for the day just music classes and the basic things in school. I walk out of the pack to see Emmett waiting for me. 

 I am at my locker when I see a small girl trip, I cringe because that has to be embarrassing. I go over to help her up, she was surprise that someone helped her up, I could see it in her eyes. 

" T-Thank you". 

" No problem, my name is Alexandra". 

" I'm Layla" she mumbled. 

Being marked by a beta I had better sense than before and now I can see that she is a bear shifter and that is rare itself. 

" are you new here?" said Alexandra

" yes, do I stick out?" 

" it is alright if you do, ( the first bell rings) um if you need someone to talk to and or need a friend you can come to me no matter what". 

I take off to my first class and I look back to see Layla smiling as she walked away on the other side of the school. I remained focused on my subjects at school and when it was lunch I had Layla come sit with me and Emmett. But the cool thing was when Emmett looked at Layla his face changed and the first thing he said was " mine" and I know what that means. Layla was dazed for a moment but she woke up and she ran, Emmett saw that as a game. Him and his wolf wanted their mate by their side. Went eating my lunch waiting for Emmett and Layla to come back but they never did, but the hours went on. At the ending I had this funny feeling that something is was going to happen I just don't know what. 

Colton - 

When Alex went to school I had to help train new members with the Alpha. Later in the day I found out from the mind link from Emmett found his mate. A bear shifter that is rare. When the training was done for the day I went back to the office to do some paper work. 4 hours passed by as I worked on paper work when my door open showing Monica. 

" What do you Monica?" 

" you" said Monica 

" When are going to get this threw your head I have a mate." 

" I know but you still can have me. I am a better choice tha----".

Colton jumped from the desk and held Monica by the neck hanging from the air


Colton took back control and dropped Monica on the ground. She had tears in her eyes. 

" Leave now" said Colton. 

Monica ran out of the office. Colton relaxed and went back to work on the papers. When he finished was when Alex came home back to the pack. 

 I saw my love walking in with a huge smile on her face. I took her in my arms and took in her scent. She turns around where I see Emmett holding on to a small girl hand, Alpha Ezekiel came around the corner to see the girl. 

" Emmett who do you have here" said the Alpha.

" Alpha, Beta, this is my mate Layla. She is a bear shifter". said Emmett

Alpha Ezekiel smiled as he stepped further to stand in front of the girl. 

" Welcome Layla to the Blood Moon Pack. I am very happy that Emmett have found his mate. Please do not be nervous you are save here, I promise." 

" I am? I just know that bear shifters are wrong, some say." said Layla. 

" Not here Layla, you can be yourself, please come in for dinner that is going to start real soon." Said the Alpha. 

Layla has finally found a home, a pack that will help her and keep her safe. And also a mate that loves her for being herself. Nothing could be better. 

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