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Layla walked in having Emmett holding her hand taking a seat at the table were all starting eating after the Alpha took is first bite.

Alexandra and Colton went their room, where Colton was holding her in his arms while he walked upstairs.

Colton -

I placed Alexandra on the bed, taking off my shirt. Seeing my little mate smiling at me I get to her face swallowing her in a deep kiss. Between me and her we went a few rounds in the bed of our love.

Alexandra was the first one to fall asleep I followed after her tightening my hold around her waist.


Colton -

In the morning I woke up first to see my love still sleeping. I softly move some hair from her face as she slept. I can not imagine my life with her. She has opened my heart to more in life.

I carefully get out of the bed to use the bathroom. Walking back putting on my underwear, seeing something in the window of our room I bring the curtains back a little. Using my sight to see what it could be. And that is when I see it, the calling card of the Midnight Pack. I alerted Alpha Ezekiel about the calling card that is left at the border of our pack lands.

" Grab some warriors and meet me in the front" said the Alpha.

I quickly get dressed before I leave I look upon my love making a vow that I will not lose her, that I will 10x harder than ever before. Nothing is going to take away my mate, my life. I walk over to Alexandra to kiss her forehead then getting the warriors. Connecting eyes with the Alpha, we all strip to turn into wolves to run faster.

When we finally got the place were they left their calling card the alpha started making plans to deal with the Midnight pack.

We went back to the pack house, changing back to our human selfs putting on our clothes before anybody saw us.

Soon enough everyone in the pack was awake and coming downstairs. Where the Alpha was ready to give everyone the speech about there is most likely an attack going to happen. I am standing next to the Alpha and I see Alex worry in her face. She tried coming over to me but shook my head no, she understood and stayed where was standing before. Soon enough Layla came in and stood next to Alexandra. Alexandra gave Layla a smile and held her hand.

I am glad that my mate has a friend here in this pack other than myself.

" Everyone listen to the words that I will say today. The midnight pack has left their calling card outside of our pack borders. We all know what that means, that is one of the steps that they take before attacking. But to worry I am setting plans with my beta to make sure that everyone in this pack is safe.

For the ones that are going to school are still have to go to school, no exceptions. But classes will be cut and their will be a curfew until the threat has passed. I want all of you to stay vigilant at all times. Thank you". Spoke the alpha.

After the alpha's words all went in different directions. Colton came over to embrace Alexandra in his arms. Colton was whispering in her ear that he will keep her safe. Alexandra put her arms around Colton. Emmett took Layla in his arms kissing her forehead, then joining their foreheads together never moving out of each others arms.

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