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Today since Manager Ty  was leaving again for a business meeting we were left to film and clean up the house. All of us agreed after cleaning up the house we'd shoot another video in the hot tub reading our fans deepest darkest secrets. Ryan, Oliver,Seb and Kane were already outside wrestling in the pool trying to see who was stronger so I was left to go grab Justin who was on the phone with his girlfriend Brianna.

"We're about to start filming the video so go grab your swimming trunks and go outside."

I said not able to keep a straight face as Regie stared deeply into my eyes. Without hesitation I smacked his ass twice and before he could respond I ran outside. In an instant my entire mood switched seeing Ryan walking out of the pool. My entire body felt like it was overheating I couldn't control myself when our eyes met Ryan's face expression was filled with disgust, It's his normal expression but he seemed more disgusted than usual. Brushing it off I simple took a seat next to Kane watching him down a whole bottle of water after losing the wrestling match grumbling under his breath about the match being unfair.

"So looks like you lost, should I go carry you again since you always need me to."

I said in a snarky tone teasing him knowing just how much Kane despised the idea. He turned around and splashed me with a bottle of water immediately dipping before I could respond with any type of retaliation. Everyone started to laugh watching us as Kane went for another bottle of water, but I was quick with my response this time. I grabbed at the bottle of water snatched it from his hands and poured it on him laughing as he just stood there with his head hanging low in defeat.

"Dang bruh you just let him do you like that?"

Ryan said in a funny deep voice pointing his finger at Kane who just randomly started busting out sexy poses.  Embarrassed by his shamelessness we all started hopping into the hot tub feeling the second hand embarrassment. Justin was the last one to arrive with his swimming trunks on and phone in hand. We recorded for a whole two hours making sure we that everything was perfect and of course it was a bit chaotic but that's just a normal day for the NorthStarBoys.

"Alright guys that's the end of the video make sure to like, subscribe aaaannd —"

Seb said enthusiastically turning to us smiling ear to ear but everyone was to busy laughing at Oliver wrestling Bae. Me, Seb, and Kane just did the outro instead. When the camera finally cut off the air felt different it always seemed like it was our doppelgängers who recorded videos. For a quick second I could feel someone eyes on me it was nerve racking, but I simple shifted my position looking out the corner of my eye and was shocked to see Regie's dark brown eyes on me. Feeling my face turning red I turned away quickly and without meaning to I splashed water right onto Ryan who was holding his phone. My heart fell into my stomach this was it Ryan hates me — he hates me even more now! Without saying a word he walked out of the pool his gripping his phone tightly. Should I follow him? Should I leave him alone? No, there's no way this is happening? Rushing out of the pool running into the house after Ryan surprised to see him just eating a bag of chips his phone sitting in a small bowl of rice. It was hard to read Ryan he was so stone face all the time, hard to make laugh, everything about him was difficult but that's what makes me like him so much.

"What Darren?"

He said coldly not taking his eyes off his phone the whole time he was focused on the phone. I opened my mouth to speak wanting to apologize, but it felt hopeless —  this was useless. Turning away stalking off  I walked up to my room that I share with Ryan which didn't help the situation at all. Slowly making my way into the bathroom taking a hot bath then brushing my teeth carefully tears stinging my eyes. Furiously throwing my toothbrush down wiping  away my tears laughing it off.  Suddenly Kane appeared and my mood immediately shifted, what was this guys problem? Just randomly popping up out of no where — he has his own room, why is he here?

"Don't think there's a need for that — since your teeth will still be yellow."

Kane said teasingly chuckling at the frown arising on my face. He was really annoying — super fucking annoying, sadly I wouldn't change a thing between us because he's like a big brother to me. I'll never admit it to him, but I do cherish him. Right as Kane was about to say something Oliver and Seb appeared then Reggie, Justin and Bae appeared behind them Ryan was just standing in the background. It's been off between us for weeks now every since that meet and greet in the UK he's been acting weird.

"Guys let's all have a sleepover downstairs ya know watch some movies together."

Seb said cheerfully his motives were completely obvious. He was looking at this as a team building exercise more than a way of us bonding. Ah Seb  just doesn't know how to be less obvious when it comes to stuff like this. In the end we all ended up downstairs in our Pajamas watching a movie together with Chinese food and beer. It's been a couple months since my birthday but now that I was finally the legal age I enjoyed drinking beers with my friends. Only me and Kane who was currently watching anime instead of the movie. Suddenly he turned it off and sat up facing the kitchen his hair was a hot mess.

"Hey — Darren did something happen between you and Ryan? You two seem— weird?"

Kane asked turning to me I couldn't really read his expression, but his voice sounded very serious which isn't like him. Kane was the type to be the life of the party he was rarely serious and rarely got upset. Honestly this was strange coming from him Ryan usually the one to instigate. How annoying who did this guy think he was? Trying to pretend like he cared in the end he'll say anything to get under my skin. Brushing him off I shrugged and continued watching the movie until it ended as soon as the credits rolled I was tucking myself in and shutting my eyes.

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