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I woke up around 7:30 and was told to get dressed I was in such a daze I nearly ran into a wall. Ryan said to put on something nice so I just put on a nice Gucci suit I'd bought from a shop in the UK. Putting on my favorite earring and a gold bracelet still a bit drowsy. My legs also still felt a bit like Jello but I had to manage after all I did tease him, but that reaction wasn't what I expected at all. We said our goodbyes to the boys of course keeping it hidden from Reggie and Justin that it was a date, but everyone else knew. I mean we'd have to say something sooner or later, but I just think for right now it's best we keep on the down low.

"Ryan —- "

"Yes Darren?"

"Can I ask you something?"

I asked unsure if this question would make things awkward afraid of the reaction he might give. He put his hand on my thigh squeezing it a smile spreading from ear to ear.

"Darren whatever it is you can ask me?"

He said reassuringly that he open to answer anything. He put his hand on mine I felt slightly nervous, but if we wanted this to work we had to communicate.

"What made you realize you were in love with me?"

I blurted out biting my lower lip nervously staring forward his hand still pressed onto mine. It was a fair question since he denied it for so long, even then
I'm not completely sure if his feelings are true.

"I realized that when I saw the video and pictures of us on Kane's phone. All I could think about was you and how much it hurt me to put you through so much pain by not being honest with you or myself."

He said pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant parking in between a Lexus and a Volvo. Turning off the ignition pulling the keys out I stuffed them into my pocket. I couldn't help but want to kiss him right then but it might turn into something more.

"Alright let's go, I'm paying so just enjoy yourself ok."

"Ok bet — say less."

Ryan said hopping out of the car I followed locking the car behind me before walking along the sidewalk behind him. I know if we run into fans here I know the discord is gonna be full of questions and the start of a couple fanfics. We walked in together cold air hitting our skin. We were greeted by a host and taken to the table near the window. We ordered two beers and from there we talked just enjoying each other company.

We ate a lot and of course the cost was huge, but I was willing to lay anything for another night like this with him. We got home a little late, surprisingly Ty wasn't up waiting for us so we just headed straight to our room. As we stripped out of our clothes we hopped into the shower together taking a long hot one before heading to bed.

The next morning me and Ryan woke up to water being splashed into our faces. Of course Seb and Oliver were behind it those two were the worst I swear! I got up brushed my teeth did my morning routine then headed downstairs. Today was another busy day, we had yet another day of photo shoots, Tiktok filming, filming for our channels, and NSB. We got NSB out of the way quickly then went on to do individual filming for our own channels and did a couple of TikTok's in between. 

"Yoo you looking kind of sexy today."

Seb said leaning in closer his face inches from mine instantly I could tell he was doing this for filming. He was being so obvious it was ridiculous, and even though I wanted to go along with it Ryan would throw a fit — then again I'm pretty sure he trusts me right?

"Yeah bro — your so weird bro! What are you doing? What are you filming?"

I asked pushing him away annoyed with how close he kept getting. Rolling my eyes I stalked off watching Ryan out the corner of my eye who was simply pretending not to see a thing. Did he not care? Making my way into the living room sitting next to him waiting for him to lay down on my lap, but he was just on his phone pretending as if I wasn't there. Did I do something wrong? The door bell rang suddenly and he was the first to jump up and run to the door. Running after him curious what exactly he was so quick to hide from everyone else. He took the box from the deliver man who's shirt read Kay - Jewelers. Had he bought more jewelry? Right as I started to turn away he dragged me into the living room and positioned me in the middle. I felt nervous not sure what he had planned.

"Can everyone please come into the living room!!"

Ryan shouted earning unhappy looked from everyone as always. Manager Ty suddenly appeared from the hallway stuffing his phone into his pocket. He took a seat next to me and my heart nearly dropped — what exactly was he up to?
"NorthStarBoys!! Please come to the living room!"

Tyler yelled at the top of his lungs making everyone jump. Everyone took a seat in the living room as asked sitting in confusion staring at me and Ryan  who were currently standing right dead in the center of the living room. Seb instantly turned off his camera staring at us with curiosity.

"Now I think everyone, but Regie and Justin have known that there has been something going on between me and Ryan —"

Regie suddenly burst out laughing and Justin just shook his head holding back a smile. Seriously this wasn't the time to be laughing — or —

"Dude we knew the whole time — we knew about everything we heard it while Seb and Oliver were arguing about Seb's feelings for Kane."

He said pointing towards Kane and Seb who coincidentally were sitting next to each other awkwardly spaced out. Everyone's eyes were not on Kane who's face had turned red as for Seb he was just as red avoiding eye contact.

"Well — anyways I wanted to just make things official after months of trying and months of creating memories with the him I got these -"

Ryan opened a small black box with two matching golden rings in it. My jaw dropped — was he actually doing this right now?! I didn't know where to look my heart was pounding so loud I couldn't think straight. He pulled out the rings putting one on my finger then handed me the other. I hastily shoved the ring onto his ring finger my cheeks flushing red as everyone ooh and awwed.

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