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Darren's (POV):

~~~ Five Months Later ~~~

We'd prepared everything for the meet and greet in Miami and Ty bought Seb an extra suitcase just in case he tried to do what he did last time in New York. We arrived barely on time and was one minute late for our flight nevertheless me made it on time. I was still thinking about what happened last month, but at the same fretting over something so useless while on this trip was only going to ruin my mood. We arrived I Miami around 6:30 and checked into the hotel around 6:35 I got stuck in a room with Ryan — of all people they stuck me in a room with him, Oliver and Seb tried to protest but were voted against. As we stepped into the room it smelled of lavender not to mention the view of the ocean was great. We'd really come a long way from our first house —

"Darren look I think we should really talk,please just talk to me."

Ryan said stuffing his suitcase into the closet on the right side of the room. I ignored him and continued to enjoy the view wanting to push all of that behind me. After all we were going to only be here for five days and I wanted to enjoy myself. When the sun began to set around 7 Manager Ty brought us food from a nearby Panda Express while Regie and Justin bought alcohol. After a couple rounds of different drinking games me and Ryan headed back to our room plastered.


I hissed falling back into the bed my body all sprawled out. Suddenly Ryan climbed on top of me his face red and he had a wild look in his eyes. Without saying a word he smashed his lips onto mine and instinctively I pushed him away gasping for breath. Rubbing my fingers over my lips the memories of us kissing played over and over again.

"Your not doing this to me again, I'm not going to fall back into your trap again your cold heart is just to much."

I said tears stinging my eyes at the thought of what happened last time happening again. All the pain we'd went through and he was trying to hurt me again. He got up once again this time heading towards the door a smirk on his face. He snatched a do not disturb sign off of the table putting it onto the door before closing it and locking it. I felt my heart trying to jump out of my throat even though I wanted nothing more than for him to feel the same way I do I know he'll —

"I won't hurt you again, I've had months to think about it and I want you — and only you."

He said making his way over to me slowly undressing himself until he was in nothing but his boxers. He climbed onto the bed with me pressing his lips onto mine and no matter how hard I tried to fight it I couldn't shake my bodies urges and my hearts desire for him. He started to undress me with his eyes as he slid his hand down and caressed my member letting out a quite moan I felt scared. This was my first time and I was giving it up to someone who was probably using me again. Putting my hand on his chest I stopped him not sure if he should go any further.

"I already told you I'm no longer going to lie to myself or you — I've wanted you for a long time I just could never admit it."

He said whispering in my ear slowly bringing his left hand up to pin me down. I felt my body melting under his and I couldn't help but anticipating his next move. I couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or lying — if it was the booze. I didn't care anymore I couldn't hold back anymore I wanted him to ravage me.

"Undress yourself."

He said pulling my belt out of my pants sliding a few inches away from me. Sitting up on the bed I undressed myself leaving nothing but my boxers on feeling nervous. He laid me back down gently before pressing his lips onto my neck I closed my eyes my body was tingling all over hungry for more. He started to slide his hand back down reaching under my boxers rubbing my member slowly as he kissed me passionately his tongue caressing mine. He stopped abruptly pulling my boxers off then kissing the tip of my member his lips were so fucking wet and cold. He took me in all the way his eyes never leaving mine and I couldn't stop myself from moaning in pleasure.

"Ffuck — please Ryan — ahh just I want you inside me —"

I moaned out covering my mouth feeling embarrassed that I'd said something like that out loud. I was just praying we weren't loud enough for the other guys to hear. Ryan simply chuckled pulling his mouth off of my member then bending down and pulling a condom out of his suitcase sitting it down on the bed.

"Be patient."

He said before taking me all in again moving his head and down slowly then fast still keeping his eyes locked with mine. I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter. He suddenly stopped and pulled down his boxers with a smirk on his face looking at me then his member.

"Return the favor."

He said in a cocky tone gripping my hair tightly pulling me forward I gently took him into my mouth I could feel my uvula being pushed around as I moved my head up and down. Ryan pulled my head down further tears rolled down my cheeks he finally let me off smiling as I tried to catch my breath.

"Bend over and place this under you, this might hurt but I promise it won't last long."

He said kissing away my tears before reaching down into his suitcase pulling out a bottle of clear jelly like liquid. I felt nervous, but worried what if I'm not good at this — Ryan must of felt our nervous I was because he suddenly leaned down caressing my face before kissing me taking my breath away.

"Don't worry."

He said before grabbing the condom ripping it open carefully putting it on then he grabbed the bottle full giving me a chance to catch a glance of the label and read that it said Lube on the front. He squirted it in his fingers then proceed to rub it on his member covering the condom in it. He tossed the lube onto the floor and put his tip over the entrance.

"I'm going to take it slow."

He said before gently pushing it in and my whole body started to tense up. The more he pushed in the more I started to cry the pain was unbearable there was no way this could turn into pleasure!

"Ahh!! It — hurts — Ryan—- it hurts —"

"Do you want me to stop."

He said in a concerned tone slowly pulling out his hands pressing down on my back. Grabbing his hips just in time before he pulled all the way out shaking my head. There was no use in stopping now we'd already gotten this far. He gave me a kiss on the back of my neck before pushing himself back in all the way. Gripping the sheets taking deep breaths feeling like my body was going to split in two.

"Darren I'm going to move now."

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