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Kane's (POV):

"I think it's time to reward you."

I said gripping Darren's hair tighter forcing him to move faster my member hitting his uvula. Tears were rolling down his cheeks as I pushed myself deeper. This guy was on something else, he had the best fucking mouth.

"Aah ffuck!! Mmm that's it good boy — your throat is so fucking warm and wet it's the perfect fucking toy for me."

I said letting go of Darren's hair and he immediately started gasping for air leaning over on all fours coughing. I could tell by the look in the eyes he hated that he liked I was so rough. He started crawling  back over to me staring into his dark brown eyes and my face was I immediately rubbed my member against his cheek.

"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue for daddy."

I ssaid licking my lips then biting his lower lip as he staring up at me.  He was hesitant at first not sure what I was about to do, but I could tell he didn't want me to stop. Opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue I could feel myself getting closer and pre-cum dripping from my tip. Without warning I shoved my member back into his mouth and his throat tightened up instantly.

"Aah ffuck your tightening your throat up baby, if you do that I might — ffuck aahh — dam it —"

I grunted gripped his hair even tighter than before  and started to ravage his throat tears rolling down his cheeks as I started to completely destroy his throat.

"Ffuck I'm going to cum — fuck! I — cumming!!!"

I said as I started to fuck his throat harder not letting up as he tried to run away. Quickly pinching his nose making him swallow his face when he was like this was being ravaged was so fucking cute. I smiled softly before letting his hair go watching as he laid on the floor panting like a hot mess.

"Darren I think it's time for me to return the favor, since you've been such a good boy."

I said pulling him up off the floor throwing him onto the bed. I grabbed the tie once again and tied his hands together flipping him over then tying his  hands to the bed railing. I took off my slippers and crawled onto the bed reaching over to the left side reaching into the nightstand I opened the draw and pulled out a bottle of lube. I opened it up squirting a heavy amount on my fingers slowly making my way towards Darren. I  pressed his cold lips onto his back slowly inserting two fingers into him . I could feel the pressure from his tight hole, I could tell from his whimpers it hurts but he wasn't telling me to stop —

"Are you ok?"

I asked pulling my fingers out waiting for his response his black hair falling over his eyes. He shook his head yes his cheeks flushed. I inserted my fingers again this time being a bit rougher with him. I was searching for — ah found it! Right as I hit his prostate he jolted his legs shaking.

"Ahh! Kane that felt weird — not there —"

He pleaded, but his body was more honest then him. He was telling me to not touch it, but was wiggling his ass like a dog in heat. Smiling understanding just what he wanted I continued to rub his prostate and with my other hand rub his member watching as he became a hot mess. His legs started to shake even harder as he fought to get his words out.

"Kane ... mmm ffuck ... "

I started to move more intensely pushing his body to the limit. I kept rubbing it as he pushed back on my fingers watching as he indulged himself in pleasure. He was really enjoying himself —-

"I'm gonna cum —- Daddy — ffuck — I'm cumming!"

He said burying his head in a pillow before cumming all over the sheets and my hand. Holding him close as we fought to catch our breaths the room smelling of sex. I'd have to make sure to grab the air freshener after this and do some laundry. We'd been gone for a while and the sun was about to set guess we got carried away.

The next day Ty asked about the stream I was supposed to do with Darren and I of course had to lie , I simply told him I decided to do it later and by myself because Darren was to fucking annoying. Everyone else seemed to focusing on the photo shoot for today. Darren looked good as ever and I wanted nothing more than to ravage him, but we had to take our time. Smiling to myself thinking about how big of a mess his made yesterday and that cute little face he made when I —

"What's up with Kane bro? He's just been smiling for no reason over there?"

Ryan said giving me a weird look everyone just laughed as my smile slowly faded away. I simply shook my head grabbing my phone taking a seat next to Darren on the couch who's face turned red immediately when our arms touched. He must be thinking about yesterday, hmm if that's the case.

"Yesterday was fun, but I can't wait to ravage your cute little ass."

I whispered in his ear earning looks from Seb and Oliver who were pointing it out to the other guys. Ryan rolled his eyes and simple scooted away even though he was at the end of the couch. Regie just laughed his usual cute little laugh making everyone else laugh.

"So today we have a photo shoot and we are officially going to Miami Florida for the meet and greet."

Manager Ty announced happily and I could see the wheels turning in everyone's head. Since we were going to be traveling there on July 12 right in the middle of summer we knew that we'd be having lots of fun there after the meet and greet. Manager Ty was going to make sure that there were some rules to prohibit us from making any hasty decision's. I had one thing on my mind though.

Darren was still pressing his fingers together nervously his face beet red. Was he still thinking about what I said? Hmm this was fun honestly he's so submissive. If I could manage it I wanted to take him out on a date even though this is going a few steps backwards just like our friendship this relationship is just as weird. I just needed to figure out how to get a room alone with him, and then set up a little something for me and him. For the rest of the day we were busy with the photo shoot and stuff for our personal channels. I streamed on my twitch of course since the fans were probably wonder what I was up too. I streamed for half an hour then went to diner with the guys downstairs.  After everyone ate everyone felt sleepy except me of course I just wanted to cuddle with Darren.

"I'm heading to bed."

I heard Ryan say and of course Darren was staring after him in a daze. Dammit! This was so annoying! How can he still be in love with that asshole? Slamming my hands down on the table before getting up I walked past Darren bumping into him on purpose.

"Ooh you gonna take that Darren?"

Ryan said instigating as always, but I could tell he was feeling a bit awkward because he knew exactly what was going on between me and Darren. In response to everyone instigating Daren pushed me away back my immediate response was to cross my arms and ram myself into him.

"Alright we'll I'm tired — anyone want to cuddle."

Darren said evilly grinning at me and I felt a wave of anger come over me. Was he seriously trying to make me jealous even after I caught him staring at Ryan. Rolling my eyes I headed upstairs yarning it was useless I'd have to put in a lot more effort if I expected to replace Ryan.  Walking into my room putting my slippers back against the wall before walking to the bathroom suddenly I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist.

"Kane, I wasn't serious about cuddling with someone else. It's —"

"I know, but that's not the issue, the issue is — I still feel like I'm still fighting with Ryan for your affection. You asked me if this was still on the table and yet your constantly thinking about him! I refuse to try and be honest with you about how I feel when you can't do the same."

I said peeling his fingers away throwing him down walking into the bathroom slamming the door shut locking it. No matter how hard I wanted to believe he was over him I knew deep down he was in love with Ryan. Staring into the mirror looking at a reflection of myself my dark brown eyes dark as night, my beautiful tanned skin and short jet black hair. 

"Was going back to a one sided love worth it?"

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