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I woke up on the wrong side of the bed feeling angry with myself and Ryan. I was angry with myself because I'd let Ryan get into my head and I was angry with Ryan because he was butting in on something I'd been trying to accomplish for years. Even if it did ruin things between us and our friendship I wasn't going to coward out like Ryan who wanted to pretend as if he's the ice heart king. At breakfast everyone seemed equally joyful as if last night wasn't bothering them, not one single person had asked what exactly was the joke I'd made that upset Ryan.

"Hey Ryan, wanna make this Tiktok with me?"

Darren asked practically skipping to Ryan who was currently eating his food and scrolling through Instagram. It was a bit frustrating how he always gravitated to Ryan, even when he knew Ryan was going to deny him. Rolling my eyes grabbing a piece of bacon and taking a bite pretending to be interesting in something on my phone.

"Darren — bro no — go away — "

"Please —"


"Bro go away — go do one with Kane."

He shouted out pushing Darren away an annoyed expression on his face. Did he really think this was fooling anyone? There he goes again pretending to be stone cold, as if I'd ever fall for it. Putting my name into the equation won't help you, but since you think you can keep up that facade I'll make it even harder. Standing up I coolly walked over and guided Darren a few inches away from the dining table so that we were still visible.

"Oooh — what's going on with those two?"

Oliver said with a smile holding up his phone recording my us. I knew this would be all over our discord, but it's worth it just to mess with Ryan. Taking the phone from Darren who looked upset but he quickly backed down after I pinned him against the wall.  Quickly choosing a sound  I set up the phone and  Darren being his usual self did all the work for me . As I wrapped my hands around his tight little waste I could see Ryan's expression change he looked outraged. Our eyes met and he immediately walked off sulking as usual.

"Yeah Darrien this is weird man — uggh Ryan stop volunteering me for these things —"

"Yoo bro you were so eager now all of a sudden you want to act fake alright bruh."

Darren said in a hurt voice his expression was cute, but at the time I knew that this would soon be a expression I'd get to see more often. When we move into our new house next month I'll be making sure I room with Darren no matter what, by then I have to make sure that Ryan breaks Darren's heart just like I know he will. The sooner Darren admits his feelings for Ryan I'll make sure I'm the person he runs to. Until then I think I'll push it a bit further — I've got to step up my game.

"Hey guys I just want to say I really didn't mean to upset everyone yesterday."

I said taking a seat next to Tyler who got up quickly snatching up his plate and waking into the kitchen. If Ryan thought he was going to beat me in winning Darren's heart he doesn't know just how dirty I like to play. I'm going to make sure Darren knows who really cares about him more.

"Yeah man ... it's fine.."

"I don't know what exactly made me say such a thing... Ryan kissing Darren while everyone was asleep is ridiculous."

I said making everyone at the diner table stare in Ryan and Darren's direction even manager Ty looked up in a daze as if he didn't hear me correctly. Ryan got up slamming his hands down angrily glaring at me his face red as a tomato then quickly sat down. I could tell I'd gotten under his skin, but imagine if they saw the picture I took.


"Boy ain't no way bro — your lying on my name right now cuz?!"

"What Darren — you wanna explain?"

Everyone was looking at each other in confusion and doubt. For now I just wanted to seem like a big joke, but — I'm going to make sure Darren knows the true feelings of Ryan. As soon as he sees this photo he'll have questions for Ryan and it's either do or die. He'll confess or lie and I'll be there to pick up the pieces. I'll wait until we move into the new house until then I'll leave him anxiously waiting.

~~~~~ Months Later ~~~~~~

We'd finally moved into our new house and everyone was tired from moving everything into the news house. Everyone had voted on their roommates and unexpectedly both Ryan and Darren had agreed to not be roommates so Justin had Ryan and I was of course with Darren just as expected. Now it was time to make sure Darren knew exactly what Ryan truly thought of him. As me and Darren settled into our room and I pulled out my phone pretending to be scrolling through Tiktok right as Darren was passing by I moved my phone and sat it down innocently on the edge of the desk. I watched him out the corner of my eye and when he backed up and moved my phone off of the desk and his face lit up I knew Ryan was going to be in for it.

"What the hell is this Kane?! Kane!!"

"Idk man I just took the picture and — I just thought it was so funny so I took a picture Ryan's the one you should be upset with his the one not being honest."

I said watching the gears turn in his head he suddenly pulled out his phone then sat down my phone back onto the desk and before I could protest he ran out of the room. Simple getting up from my chair then turning off the lights and hopping into bed rolling over waiting for the chaos to start.

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