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I woke up early feeling oddly hot it was like my entire body was being suffocated. Tossing and turning I slowly opened my eyes to see Darren with his arms wrapped around my waist and a slight smile as he snored lightly. My first instinct was to prank him, but I was to tired to do that instead I just let him sleep he was actually quite nice when he's sleeping. Bringing my face slightly closer to his a smirk spreading across my face at how peaceful he looked sleeping. Reaching my hand out wanting to touch his face when suddenly I heard one of the boys yarn without thinking twice I shoved Darren away angrily. He woke up in a panic when he finally realized who'd awoken him he just simply glared at me. There has to be something seriously wrong with me, what happened in that hotel after that meet and greet was a mistake.

"What the fuck is your problem Ryan?"

He asked a half sleepy half groggy voice rubbing his eyes I had to catch myself from letting out a laugh. Rolling my eyes I snatched our blanket off of him and walked upstairs smiling at the hole being burned into my back as Darren stared after me. I must admit messing with him did make my day better, and nothing feels better then seeing him upset.

"Alright — alright everyone— let's get this place cleaned up."

Oliver voice echoed off the walls I could hear him from all the way in my room. This new house was amazing, but the echoing had its pros and cons sometimes. Putting the cover on my bed carefully making it up knowing Oliver or Seb would be coming up here ordering me to come downstairs and help. Quickly finishing up I rushed back downstairs watching as everyone was walking back and forth like zombies yelling at each other about cleaning up their messes. Sighing chuckling at Darren who was still giving me the evil eye for waking him up.

It took us three minutes to properly clean up the house, luckily for us Ty got caught in traffic so he arrived later than we expected. For our eight a.m. meeting we talked about new things we could do and what were planning to do for our next meet and greet that was going to be in Florida this time. After the meeting everyone went there separate ways and started doing TikTok's and stuff. I recorded four TikTok's did a stream on twitch before heading out to dinner with the guys. By the time we got home it was time to film for NSB's group channel, it turned out to just be us kind of doing among us together although the game was dead. Seb and Kane were the biggest sore losers ever and Darren we just being his usual self, Justin had it out for me and so did Oliver the entire game they kept killing me. Ty even joined in and Kane just murdered him straight away. As the sun set we all went back to our rooms unfortunately I had to share with Darren which mean having to see him every morning when I wake and even going to sleep.

I walked into the room not surprised to see Darren slumped in the bed with toasty in his arms. Somehow this man manages to attract women — then again Darren's personality compliments his looks. Bending down reaching out and running my hands through his hair smiling at how adorable he was when sleeping. Shuttering at my own thoughts I quickly jolted up and shook my head rubbing my eyes. I've got to get a grip, I really have been around Darren too much. Spinning around nearly falling over at the sight of Kane standing in the door with his arms crossed.

"You seem happy?"

He said with a malicious tone I could tell that he was up to something. Kane may of just seen me fondling Darren's hair and I don't have a good feeling about this odd smirk on his face. Simply pretending if I didn't know what he was talking about furrowing my eyebrows chuckling. I stood up and turned to go and take a seat at PC, but he grabbed my arm gripping it tightly. He wasn't going to do anything dumb, Ty would send him home in a heartbeat even though their brothers Ty had no favorites well Olly may be an exception.

"I saw what you did at the hotel we stayed in after our meet and greet in the UK. Don't you think you should be a little more honest instead pretending your still cold hearted."

Kane whispered in my ear his cologne filling the air around me. Was he serious? Had he seen me kiss Darren? No he couldn't of everyone was sleep —

"Yoo what's going on with you two? Kane what's going on?"

Seb said appearing from the long hallway his phone in hand as he looked back and forth at us in confusion. Snatching my arm away I walked out of the room wanting fresh air I — couldn't breath — the air in lungs had been taken. Rushing down the stairs and out the back door slamming the door shut I ran until I reached the garden. Taking a seat on a wooden bench holding my hand over my chest gripping my shirt tightly trying to slow down my breathing.



"Ry -"

At that moment my eyes met with Oliver's his face was red and I could tell by his expression he was concerned, but scared. Even though Oliver was here why did I feel disappointed, who exactly was I expecting to come and rescue me? Letting my head fall into my hands I hid my face holding back the tears forcing a smile on my face. I'd only ruin things if I said anything, There was no way I was in love with Darren —- right? He's my friend — my weird guy friend.

"Ryan whatever Kane said it's fine, no need for you to get so riled up."

Oliver said in a soft voice his caring tone made me feel slightly better, but I knew that if I didn't do something from now on I'd have to force myself to pretend like nothing happened for the sake of the group and our friendship. Sitting up feeling slightly embarrassed now because everyone was surrounding me even Manager Ty who looked the most worried. Kane was just leaning against a tree a blank expression which was unusual for him, not like he's easy to read but I didn't have a good feeling about what he was up too.

"Look I'm sure whatever Kane said upset you, and you've been working really hard — all of you have so you get stressed out. If it gets to much for you then know we're all here for you."

Manager Ty said in a caring voice reaching out to put his hand on my shoulder a bit hesitant at first but he quickly made up his mind to push past it.  I wasn't going to jeopardize anything and I needed to figure out what Kane wanted?

"Yeah man."

"Thanks guys."

"You know what maybe that joke was a bit far, come on let's hug it out."

Kane said a scheming smile on his face as he took a seat next to me wrapping his arms around me. I felt repulsed by the physical contact, shuttering at Kane's touch. He suddenly leaned in close letting out a small chuckle before speaking in a low voice so only I can hear him.

" I think things would be interesting if Darren knew that you actually liked him."

I could feel the sting in his words, but instead of letting it get to me I decided to call his bluff. I had a good idea why Kanes so pressed on the issue with me and Darren.

"If your jealous just say so, I'd be happy to tell Darren, Kane Ratan is harboring a big crush on him."

I said squeezing him tighter then letting go before jumping up a fake smile on my face. Kane just stood in the background scowling his lips pressed together.  Tomorrow was a new day and I was going to erase everything and start anew.

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