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Kane's (POV):

I couldn't believe it — I'd officially lost —- Ryan has Darren's heart completely I can't compete. Running out of the Living room I ran outside needing fresh air. I said I was happy for them, but how can I be when Darren is all I can think about. It was useless he'd completely moved on and I had no choice, but to just give up.

"Kane — I know it's difficult for you but —"

"Seb look I already told you that kiss was a mistake — "

"And I understand this — you are holding on to someone who doesn't want you and is happy with someone else. Fine I'll give up after I'll I've been trying for a while, but I think being with anyone is better than trying to win you over."

Seb said angrily walking back into the house and I finally felt it my heart felt like it was being squeezed. Quickly grabbing Seb snatching him up by his collar angrily glaring at him, Seb always trying to act out was so annoying. Pushing Seb away walking off towards the pool taking a seat staring up at the sky wondering just how long I was going to be able to hold this in.


Yeah, sorry decided this was a better ending


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