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Ryan's (POV):

The more Darren tightened up the more pleasure I started to feel. I could tell he was feeling a bit more pleasure though because he wasn't only groaning in pain but also moaning. I started to speed up a little letting my head fall back with each stroke the condom covered in a sticky white mess.

"Aahh Ryan — Ryan — ffuck —"

I smiled as he cried out my name gripping the sheets tightly throwing it back as I slid it in deeper. I couldn't help it anymore his ass was just to amazing to not ravage he wouldn't be able to sit down properly, but I needed to take advantage of this amazing ass I'd been blessed with the privilege of fucking. I started to speed up pushing myself deeper inside of him feeling him tightening up even more.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Ryan! Ryan! Ryan!"

He shouted out loudly putting his hand on my hip trying to get me to slow down. Grabbing his arms and pinning them against his back fucking him harder. He needed to keep it down we couldn't risk anyone hearing us and he's making so much noise.

"Keep it down! Or I'll stop —"

I threatened and in response he quickly buried his face in a pillow tears staining the white pillow. Letting his arms go watching his body fall forward laid down and started hitting it from the back keeping his arms pinned down.

"No more — I can't take it — Ryan!! Ryan!!"

"Dammit your so loud."

I said angrily smacking his ass hard not expecting him to cry even harder. He was such a mess and I loved it, being the only one who got to see this side of him made me happy. Sliding out I pulled him up off the bed and had him bend over with his hands tied to towel rack in the bathroom.

"Ooh fuck."

He exclaimed happily as I slid in my member again watching as his eyes lit up with joy in the mirror. I could feel myself getting closer and this position was fun but I wanted to switch it up. Untying his hand from the railing then tying his hands together I dragged him back to bed before climbing on top of him.

"I'm getting close."

He whined putting his hands over my neck pulling me closer. I kissed him passionately as I started to pound him watching as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. As I started moving my hips faster I could feel myself getting closer and closer.

"Ffuck I'm cumming! Ahh"

"Me too!! Aahh!"

After we'd reached our climax we laid in bed still holding each other kissing passionately. Tomorrow was a new day, but I refused to change my mind, he was someone I can't live without.

The very next day I woke up naked and the room smelled of musk and sex. Darren was of course still sleep and I could barely remember a thing at the moment. Sliding off the bed looking down when I noticed an empty condom wrapper and that's when it hit me like a tone of brick what's we'd done last night. Dashing out of the bed I quickly grabbed some air freshener and sprayed it happy that they'd put Fabreez in here rather than another brand. I started to pick up our clothes placing them In a pile then throwing away the empty condom wrapper and  tossing the lube back in my bag.

"Hey guys — time for breakfast!"

I heard Oliver's soft muffled voice say from outside the door. Sighing combing my hands through my hair again shaking my head unsure of exactly what I was thinking last night. I said I'd only talk, but we did more than talk! Darren woke up shortly after me tears in his eyes as he he realized what had happened between us, not only that he could barely walk straight or sit comfortably.

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