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Darrien's (POV):

I wanted to know the meaning of this picture! Was it real? Was it Fake had Kane forged this? Did he really — like me? This time I'd thought my feelings were one sided but this photo proves there may be something. Stopping in my tracks right as I reached the door to the back yard staring at the photo feeling a knot in my stomach.

"What if it's fake?"

I said staring down at the picture then outside watching as Ryan near the garden. There was no chance of this being Fake it was taken inside our hotel and I highly doubt the boys would go this length. Taking a deep breath I opened the doors and rushed outside to the garden where Ryan was on his phone now. Taking his phone out of his hand and before he could protest I held up the photo wanting answers. He looked at me then the photo his face expression blank, it was the same as usual he was so hard to read.

"Dude are you really doing this right now? I know you love entertaining our fans, but this is to much."

He said harshly his words felt like venom how could he think I would do this? I get annoyed at it sometimes. But after awhile my feelings for him have grown — to be more than friends — maybe if he knew that he'd —

"Who gave you this? Who gave you this photo?!"

He said snatching the phone out of my hands then without hesitation threw it into the grass. I walked over to pick up my phone surprised it hadn't cracked. Taking a deep breath I walked up to him again staring deep into his eyes plucking up all the courage I had. What had I hoped for? I knew he'd say something like this and yet my heart yearned for a different response. Even if the photo was fake or real there was no denying my feelings for him.
I knew if I wanted really find out the truth I'd have to be honest with myself and him.

"I — I like you! Ryan Nguyen I like you!! I don't care if the photo is real or fake I like you."

I blurted out feeling butterflies in my stomach waiting for his response I still couldn't read his expression making me even more nervous. Suddenly the clouds became gray and thunder started to sing as rain began to pour down hard beating against the pavement with wrath. For a few minutes we both stood in silence before Ryan spoke his voice colder than usual.

"That has nothing to do with me."

He said walking past me not even looking my way as he grabbed the umbrella Kane had left outside and walked into the house leaving me standing in the garden feeling my world crumbling around me. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I kept replaying it through my head the venom filled words that had left Ryan's mouth. Turning around watching as Ryan entered the house dropping to my knees holding my hand over my heart breathing heavily. Why was I crying? This was good since it means —- slowly walking into rain not caring if I got sick as long as I didn't have to face him.

"Hey Darren I don't know what - what's wrong? Darren? Darren?!"

Oliver grabbed me by my shoulders shaking me his voice full of terror. I could hear him echoing inside my head, but all I can think about is how much of a nuisance I've been to Ryan hoping for a miracle that was never going to happen. Suddenly Justin appeared then Seb and Manger Ty they all helped get me into the house sitting me down in the kitchen bringing me towels and trying to talk to me. Ryan never once appeared— and that's when it really started hurting more — my heart felt like it's been torn into pieces.

The next day was quite simple for me since I'd caught a cold from standing out in the rain. Manger Ty had a talk with the boys about what's going on, but none of them knew exactly what was going on except Ryan, Kane and me. I as just happy I didn't have to record a video with Ryan. There was no way I'd be able to save face in front of him.

*KNOCK 3x*

"Hey Darren, I brought you some soup."

Kane said opening the door closing it shut with his foot. He sat down the soup on my nightstand before taking a seat. I could tell there was something on his mind, but if it was about last night I would rather die then talk about it. From here on out if Ryan can pretend like nothing happened between us then so can I.

"Darren — look Ryan's not the —"

"Look I don't want to talk about him, can we please just change the subject?"

I said interjecting cutting him off knowing exactly where this conversation was going. To spare myself from crying foolishly over someone who doesn't see me. Without a word Kane got up and exited the room shutting the door behind him. For the next few days it was like that everyone was curious about what was going on between us three, but I just simply shrugged it off pretending everything was all good. By the time we were scheduled to go and do a photo shoot I was feeling better just a tad bit awkward with Ryan, but for the fans I'll fake it until I make it.

"Yoo you looking good cuz?"

I said in a sus way to Oliver who was wearing black shirt, black pants and a black corset hugging his waist tightly. Ever since that thing happened with Ryan I was just keeping my distance and at the same time not making it noticeable to the fans. One thing that was on my mind now was why did Kane suddenly decide to instigate? After all the filming was down I shut our room door and locked it I wanted to know just why Kane would set me up?

"Ooh what we doing roomie?"

He asked me a smirk on his face, but I wasn't joking I felt like I'd been set up and that photo is what started this mess anyways! Kane just held hands up plopping down onto the bed suddenly with a smile on his face he grabbed me and pinned me down onto the bed. I could feel his dick against my leg and my face felt hot. What was this assholes issue?

"Now that I have showed you the true nature of Ryan won't you get it through your head that he'll never love you the way you want him too."

"You asshole."

Kane simply smiled at the insult bringing his face closer to mine before pressing his soft lips to mine. I wanted to curse, but somehow the tingling sensation I got in my body when he kissed me made my body feel numb. Looking at him in disgust, but I was more disgusted with myself at the thought of actually feeling good from the way he's touching me.

"Kane, get off of me."

"Ok I will but I didn't do that to get back at you I just thought you needed to see his true nature."

He said his face inches from mine my face turned redder and I couldn't help but laugh nervously. Pushing him away I dashed out the door slamming it shut behind me. This guy has got serious issues ...

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