im actually writing

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hey guys i woke up from the dead uhhhhh so im in quarantine rn bc my sick sister inflitrated my bday party a week ago nd now im sick 🙃 but theres a good side to everything bc i just rejoined wattpad and jesus everything looks so new and different if that doesnt tell u how long ive been away

Anyway hip hip hooray ive actually started drafting out the second and last chapter to my last Tord fic due to popular demand. Im actually crazy surprised at how active all of you are despite me not being here for 3-ish years so its been whacky reading all of your comments. and i mean all of your comments. Y'all nasties

So yknow, not sure when thats coming out.  ive written roughly 1.5k but im aiming for another biggie 10k if i can, so strap ur boots nd prepare cuz even if my plot is dog shit, im gonna make sure the *plot* sends you all straight to the coldest, most darkest, pits of hell.


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