•Having a chubby s/o•

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Another request! I don't know why, but it kinda (really) makes me happy to start getting these requests. I haven't gotten many, so seeing them make my day. Anyway, I wants to thank those of you have!

(Also, if you're self conscious about being chubby, just know that it isn't synonymous to being ugly! You're all adorable hamsters and your chubbiness only makes you that much cuter! I hope you all know this already!)

(I actually hc him being chubby)
-He doesn't mind at all since he himself is also pretty chubby
-He'll constantly hug you because you're so soft
-Likes leaning his head on your lap because you're comfortable
-Will always tell you you look beautiful
-"I wouldn't change you for the world."
-No matter how many times you ask him if you look okay, he won't be annoyed
-Expect lots of kisses on your adorable belly
-You can be chubby together

-Always wants to make sure that you're comfortable
-Hugs you daily because he just loves how you're like a smol teddy bear
-Praises you on how beautiful you are
-Constantly reassures you that he'd never leave you for someone else
-"I'd even say you're (almost) better looking than me!"
-He'll take a thousand pictures of you and frame them up on his wall
-He claims it as his "art collection"

-He'll  make sure you're always okay
-If anyone is picking on you, he'll deck 'em
-With no hesitation whatsoever
-Loves to kiss your thighs and mutter sweet things
-If you're feeling particularly bad about yourself, he'll go out of his way to sing you a song and play his bass
-He's made more than one song about you
-And it works every time when calming you down

-If anyone was to harm or tease you for your figure in anyway, he will personally hunt them down
-He often pinches your cheeks together and kisses them
-He's very touchy and likes to let you know that he loves your body
-Expect many compliments to come your way
-Makes you feel extra special by showering you with kisses
-"You're amazing, starling."
-Treats you as if you're a porcelain doll made of thin glass
-Swoops you off of your feet as if you're made of nothing

-He's pretty indifferent about your size
-To him you're just so beautiful??
-Like, how is someone as adorable and sweet like you so insecure about yourself???
-He's honestly baffled by this but will make you feel better by showering you with compliments
-Always reminds you that he won't ever leave you for anyone else
-And if you forget, he tells you every morning
-"You know I love you, right?"
-He thinks he's not good enough for you so when you tell him otherwise he's in shock
-He'll pull you into a tight hug for a long time

-He knows how to make you feel just right
-When you tell him about your insecurities, he pulls you down onto the bed
-He takes his time kissing you delicately all over your face, stomach, arms, legs
-Anywhere, to show you how beautiful you are
-He mutters sweetly into your ear
-And if you still don't feel right then, he'll spoil you rotten
-He'll do anything to make his s/o feel wanted and special
-"If you ever feel bad again, just tell me. I'm here for you."
A/N: What if I feel bad about myself all the time?

-Makes sure to give you little pecks and kisses throughout the day so you never forget how much he loves you
-Still very nervous about saying anything to hurt you
-Loves to cuddle into you
-He's only a little taller than you but manages to be the bigger spoon™
-Will give you his coat to make you feel cute and small
-He'll have you sit on his lap and as he kisses your forehead
-"Please don't say that about yourself. I love you too much."

-His cigarette literally falls out of his mouth
-He'll scoop you up into his arms and nuzzle your neck
-Peppers your face with sweet kisses
-Tells you everything he loves about you and why your chubbiness makes you a better partner
-He doesn't force you to look at yourself like he sees you
-He'll encourage you instead and tell you exactly what he thinks
-It's always something cheesy and sweet
-"That's what you see. What I see is the most precious person in my life."

-Feels so sad that someone as sweet as you feels this way about themselves
-Immediately pulls you into a hug and hushes you with sweet, quick pecks to your lips
-He cradles you in his warm embrace for as long as you need it
-Don't test him
-He'll go for hours if he has to
-Brings to you your favourite beverage and a blanket to snuggle together in
-He murmurs sweet nothings into your ear until you fall asleep
-You find that you're still in his arms by the time you wake up
-"I won't leave you. I promise. In fact, when you wake up, I'll still be here."

*wheezes* Thank you for the request whom ever you are. This was the cutest thing ever, my heart wouldn't stop pounding. Just look at how precious everyone is. Also, sorry for the cringe quality. 'Am sorreh 'bout that.

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