•during a thunderstorm•

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So, hey guys. I'm feeling a bit better, now. Honestly, with all the supportive and nice comments I received from the last chapter, I wouldn't have been able to move on sooner. I actually found this shocking that so many people dropped by just to do that. It really made me day and every comment made me smile. I want to give every single one of you a hug because I love y'all <3 *hugs*

A sinner like me doesn't deserve all this T^T Seriosuly. You all made me cry tears of joy.

So, I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Stay in tuned ;) And thank you all for being so kind.

(Also, due to respect and privacy reasons, Pauliflower and Patty cake will now be referred to as 'Pal' and 'Pat'. Not exactly sure what happened, but it's been requested that I do that for the sake of their privacy.)

-You'll both be on your way home anyways when it begins to rain including thunder
-But, it doesn't bother him much
-I mean, he's been abducted by aliens before, so try and beat that
-You'll complain a little before he pulls you in and looks down at you with that look
-He'll lean in closer towards your face before pouring a shit ton of water over your head
-And then chuckling before kissing you

-Like the children you are, you'll both rush out into the storm
-Matt will probably start chanting and barking like a dog
-Freaking game on because you'll both try to make the biggest splash
-You're both laughing and giggling like a foolishly adorable couple
-You notice the water is actually a lot deeper than usual
-Little did you both know about the flood on its way

-You stay inside, bored out of your mind, as is Tom
-Being used to Edd and the gang's shenanigans it was weird not doing anything in particular today
-"Tooooommm. I'm bored."
-"I'm not your entertainer. I don't know what to do."
-"Well, I don't know. Anything? Like, even if you just give me a lap dance or something right now."

-Thunder scares the shit out of you, so you walk into Tord's laboratory
-He's working and doesn't seem to want to be bothered, but you're scared
-You tap on his shoulder, receiving a muttered 'what?' And 'I'm busy'
-You've covered yourself and feel scared as the thunder only grows
-"It's okay, then. I'll just go cuddle with Tom or something."
-It seems to get his attention and he pulls you into his lap and nuzzles your neck

-When you told him how much you thunder scared you he just scoffed affectionately and called you a baby
-He then proceeded to hug you close and chuckle
-"If there's anything else you're ever scared of just tell me, then."
-The storm eventually dies down and all you can hear is the rain
-Drifting off to sleep you feel him shift under you and a blanket being wrapped around the both of you
-Mark and Jon would not stop taking pictures

-He's kinda freaked out because you're obsessed with thunderstorms
-When it started raining he hears you mutter a 'yes'
-As it started raining harder, you spoke a louder 'yeS'
-When the thunder appeared you straight up just jumped off your seat and shouted a louder 'yES'
-He finds it mildly amusing, however, as he watches you freak out over the storm as he sips coffee
-It's a strange obsession but he finds it cute

-You weren't planning to go out today, anyways
-You'd both already planned to have a lazy day together and the rain made it better
-There's just something about reading a book and drinking tea while sitting by the window as it rains, that creates a calm atmosphere
-Both you and Jon were doing just that, snuggled together in a wooden blanket
-The thunder wasn't too loud so it wasn't long before you fell asleep
-Jon right beside you the whole time as he, too, drifts to lala land

-It wasn't until the roof was shaking and the drip for. The ceiling did you realise there was a storm
-It was a like a fucken category 4 out there, so how did you not notice??
-Pal doesn't really take note of it either and basically just carries on with what he usually does
-It's colder than usual so you decided to wear a jacket
-You look out the window to see freaking shit flying everywhere
-And, omg? Did Pal just wave at you as he passed the window??

-Doesn't matter because you'll both be too busy making out on the couch
-It's not often that things will escalate this far with him, so you'll take advantage of the storm outside
-Guess you guys stopped doing it less after the neighbours made a noise complaint from your house
-The thunder will mask all the sounds, so it's a freaking A+ plan
-Except that you thought that the storm would last longer
-So in the midst of you getting off, you moaned really fucken loudly, loud enough for all your neighbourinos to hear

Same as usual, guys. Tell me if I made any mistake, or if I need to be fact checked.

It's actually been three fucken years (probably longer) since I've watched Eddsworld. I actually only started this book because of watching 'The End" last year. It's all fun and games until you're in a fandom and you become unhealthily obsessed.

Ps. I'm so fucking tired. I'm going to bed now, so I probably won't be able to check the comments until tomorrow morning.

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