•Depressive s/o•

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Well, this is just a trigger warning for you guys. This chapter talks about some pretty sensitive topics dealing with depression and cutting. So, if you're uncomfortable, please skip to the next chapter, okay?

And, if you ever need someone to hear you out or to vent to, talk to me. I..understand how it feels to not have anyone to talk to about this. I'll be here for you guys if you need me, alrighty?

I also apologise if it sounds like I'm trying to romanticise depression and cutting. Which is definitely not what I'm trying to get across here.

-He's not shocked, he's just really..sad
-The person he loves is hurting themselves and he didn't know?
-He promised to protect you and here you were, when you needed protection from yourself
-He'll spend as much time as you need to just hugs you for hours
-Knows it might not work, but will make jokes and puns to make you feel better
-But he's overall really serious once the weight of the situation settles in him

-He doesn't understand why you don't love yourself
-He understands self loathing, but to physically hurt yourself
-and to do it intentionally ?
-He'll have you sit on his lap as he hugs you
-Until you feel even a little bit better, he'll murmur sweet things into your ear

-Feels almost upset? But he understands
-You all have ways to vent, and Tom seems to do that through his heavy drinking
-It doesn't make it right and he wants you to stop
-He promises to stop drinking if it means you'll stop hurting yourself
-Instead, when you're both feeling depressed, you'll cuddle up and watch a movie until you fall asleep

-He'll brush the tears away and wash the blood from your arms
-Carefully, he'll wrap them up and kiss the covered cuts
-He'll make you your favourite beverage and will ask you what's wrong
-He doesn't like that you kept all this in, so he wants to know everything and every little detail
-It doesn't make him uncomfortable to hear your thoughts, but he can feel his heart sink with every passing word
-Hugs you close and doesn't let go even when you fall asleep

-He couldn't believe his eyes when he walked in
-He gets really angry for a second before seeing the fear in your eyes
-He takes a deep breath and decides to talk calmly to you
-He'll have you sat on his bed with a blanket wrapped around you
-You're still pretty shaken up, so he doesn't force you to talk unless you're comfortable

-He will remind you with each passing day that you are important and valid to him
-Favourite songs? Favourite colours? Favourite food?
-Whatever it is, he'll be sure to incorporate it into everyday living to make you feel better
-If he has to go somewhere quickly he'll leave little notes to remind you how much you really mean to him
-Will always rush home to make sure you're okay and hugs you tightly, as if you'll slip away if he lets go

-He cries when he sees the cuts across your arms
-Gently, he takes your arms into his and he looks at them, feeling a hard lump in his throat
-He doesn't want to be the one crying because he wants to be the one to comfort you, not the other way around
-So, delicately, he peppers kisses to rid of your tears and then places a sweet kiss on your lips
-He'll wait for you to talk when your comfortable as he haves you leaning on his shoulder in an embrace

-He won't say a word as he wipes away the tears and clears up the blood
-And he's still wordless as he bandages your arms ever so gently
-He knows that you don't feel like talking, so he keeps quiet, with the occasional muttering of encouragement
-Doesn't force you to say anything as the both of you sit in silence
-He'll be holding you in a tight embrace, afraid of letting you go in case anything happens

-Get's so incredibly sad and worried
-Makes you your favourite dish to cheer you up and will kiss your tears away
-Doesn't exactly know what to do, but will try earnestly
-He'll hug you for so long that you'll both eventually fall asleep
-He begs you that when you feel depressive, you should go to him, no matter when

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