•Cuddles/chilling out•

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A'ight. I don't have much to say, so let's get straight to the point.

-He likes resting his head in your lap as you stroke his hair
-You swear you can hear him purr as you comb with your hands
-Cuddling with him is like hugging a soft teddy bear
-He's really soft and warm as he envelops you in his arms
-He actually smells very nice
-Kinda like cola and pencil sharpening

-Other than being squeezed the living day lights out of you, he's a good hugger
-He's that much taller than you that he pretty much wraps your entire body into his arms
-It's not as good on hot, Summer days, but it's great during Winter and Autumn
-He sits you on his lap and wraps his arms around your waist
-Nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck
-You fall asleep together, often

-Usually has you sitting on his lap while your head rests on his chest
-He likes days like this where he can just relax and breathe in your scent
-All while you drift slowly into sleep, playing with his hand
-He'll sometimes mutter sweet things into you ear
-Once he stops, you know he's asleep
-Not too soon after, you do too

-Unlike most times, the Commie actually does enjoy cuddling
-When doing it with the right person, of course
-On more than one occasion, he'll begin to tickle you
-From there, it becomes a full out tickle war
-Obviously, you weren't the one responsible for his injuries, in the end
-You'll both be sitting together, cuddling, while he holds an ice pack to his cheek

-He's flustered pretty easily when being affectionate
-You have no idea how quickly his cool exterior shuts down when doing simple affectionate gestures
-He's not used to it at first, but he warms up
-Eventually, you'll both be laying down together with your legs tangled
-Arms are wrapped around each other's form
-As he pecks your lips and nose from time to time

-Pulls you into his chest as he wraps his arms behind you
-He likes to play with your hair until you fall asleep
-You'll both talk about everything and anything
-The chatter soon dies down to be replaced with soft breathing
-He'll notice you're tired and pull the blankets up to cover the both of you
-He pulls you in closer towards him before feeling sleep take over him

-He's very sweet and gentle with how he handles you
-He can't help it when wanting to gently kiss your cute nose
-Snuggles his head deep into the crook of your neck
-Often then not, he'll play with your hair or fiddle with something
-You're both pretty giggly as you turn around and give his lips a sweet peck
-Right before you bury your face in his chest and fall asleep

-He's not used to being so affectionate
-He doesn't receive many hugs, so he actually enjoys having you do it
-Doesn't really know how to initiate as he gets flustered pretty easily
-He catches on pretty quickly and soon he's hugging you everyday after work
-Words don't need to be exchanged when cuddling with him
-So you both just like to enjoy the tranquility of the moment together

-His exterior can easily be broken down when you ask for hugs
-He has the largest grin that stretches across his face as you hug his waist
-Chuckles lightly before enveloping you in his arms
-And when you're both just sitting together, you'd often braid his hair
-He doesn't mind because he loves the feel of your hands running through his scalp
-Many of these sweet moments end up with an exchange of 'I love you's' and innocent kisses



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