• If they were in university •

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can you believe after 5 years hiatus i would return? neither did i tbh, im not even sure if the fandom is still alive anymore, but im getting back into this bc it kinda helps me with writing prompts, and its also a good exercise to do in-between all my fanfiction writing

but its so sad 😭 reading all the my old content and all the comments from back then really was the golden age, i dont have the same exact humour i had back then so im not sure if what i write now would be any more interesting than it used to but uhh pls enjoy


- That one guy at the back of the room always sneaking snacks into class. It's comical how he can get away with anything, basically setting up an entire three-course meal that the professor has almost zero-awareness of. That, or they just don't give a flip as long as you aren't disrupting the class

- He sits behind you, and there was one time he cracked open the lid of a container and you swear to god you could smell soup; the sweet onion and creamy mixture of soup permeating the air, and apparently only within your fucking radius. It was like that everyday for the next week.

-  "I smell soup. Someone is eating fucking soup."

- But every time you looked there was nothing out of the ordinary. You even asked another class mate if they could smell it too, but they just thought maybe you were going crazy

- Until one day you hear the unmistakable sound of the lid of a container being cracked open from behind you

- So you whip your head around and lo and behold; soup

- He knows you know and doesn't bother to try and hide it with that all too pleased grin on his face

- As a treaty he promises to share

- And now you're both there q u i e t l y sipping on soup so as to not arise further suspicion. Fuck, if you can't stop them, join 'em


- You bumped into him on the way to one of your lectures, books and all kinds of papers now strewn across the bricked tiling.

- "My books...!"

- "My face...!"

- You look up and watch him cradle - was that a mirror? - in his arms, glass shattered as he animatedly sobs to himself. You quirked a brow at him but get up, dusting yourself off. When you offer him a hand up you don't expect him to be so damn tall either

- You felt bad even though he was equally to blame for this, seeing as he was clearly walking along the campus with a god damned mirror shoved in his face. Well, at least he was kind enough to help you pick your stuff up

- You have no time though, your eyes are as wide as saucers as you look down at your watch with only a minute to spare. With that, you quickly rush off, not sparing a glance at the ginger

- And for the next week, that's how you guys kept bumping into each other. It seemed to be a pattern at that point. Never in your life have you met someone that lacks such spatial awareness. It was either that or he was just doing it on purpose !

- When it happened for the fourth time, you finally had enough and confronted him about it. Like, seriously - what was up with him?

- But then he actually started to look... shy? He stammered out a response, but eventually you came to the conclusion that this was his version of flirting. He didn't know what to say, so he'd purposely crash into you hoping that he'd figure it out eventually. Damn it, if he wasn't freaking cute

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