•when you get sick•

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Okay. If you're gonna kill me, do it quick. I know I'm an asshole for not posting in like, two months. You're all probably pissed as hell, but I was busy (lame excuse) with a shit ton assignments.

And also, how would y'all feel about me writing about Ellsworld and all that? Those gals deserve some recognition and damn they're cute as hell.

-Sweetest cutie patootie will bring you a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup while you're covered in a bundle of warm comforters
-Even though you've got the flu and you probably look like shit, he thinks your raspy voice and your sleepy eyes are just too cute
-You've got a pretty mild headache that's just enough to make you act like you're drunk
-Because, "Even though I'm feelin' stuffy, I could totally beat your ass, Edd."
-Those were words straight outta your mouth
-He simply just chuckles and pulls the comforters over your chin. "I know you could."

-Matt is pretty freaking sad since he can't do much about it
-"You're sick??? But- but I can't hang out with you today, then."
-You give him an apologetic smile and tell him you'll be better by tomorrow
-Matt, not wanting to leave you, decides to find a fast cure for your cold
-It's not out of the ordinary when he arrives with some sort of potion he took from a witch back from the medieval times with Tom and Edd
-I mean, yeah, it worked. But now you're a god damn dragon and Matt is trying to find some other cure. You're tempted to stay as a dragon, though. My dragon ass doesn't need to pay no taxes, amiright?

-Offers that maybe a bottle of Smirnoff will cure all your sicknesses
-"If it'll somehow fix my crippling depression and anxiety, then sure."
-"Eh. It's why I drink all the time."
-A small clink of bottles and you're both off, chugging down your sorrows and sickness
-Did not help a single bit as an hour later you were sat by the toilet seat throwing up
-Maaaybe you should go to a doctor, instead

-You kidding? He's the one that got you sick in the first place
-"Hey (name), try this out. It's completely safe for consumption" your ass. Now you're covered in god damn spots
-But, if this is any proper reason to get out of work, then that's fine by you
-All whilst Tord tries to find some sort of treatment or cure and ventures deep within the realms of the nearby pharmacy
-Turns out it was totally curable and all you needed to take was a couple tablets or something
-Well, at least he knows what the solution to his problems is. In that he can literally put the potion he gave you into his enemies food and get them mildly sick

-You irritate Eduardo beyond relieve when you're sick
-Using your sickness as a sort of privilege, you often like to boss him around
-You also don't give a shit that you're sick, so you still cling to him like a koala
-That, of course, leads to a chain of events and now?
-You're both sick
-Looks like Jon and Mark are gonna have to play nurse for a few days

-"Maaaaarrrk. Maaaaaaarrrrrk."
-He's like a god damn mother, tending to your every need
-Like a stereotypical husband piece of trash, he thinks you being sick is adorable
-Just kidding. He literally has you quarantined and will not go near you within a 5 mile radius unless he's wearing a hazmat suit
-Mark you piec a shit come fucken fightt me, how dare yuu disprespecf moi
-Guess who's cutting holes at the nips of Mark's every sweater

-Jon had tried to be romantic and took you out for a picnic, but it turns out that the forecasts showed that a storm was to happen the same day
-"I-I'm so sorry, (name). If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be sick!"
-He's really upset that nothing had gone according to plan
-He's dashing left to right, tending to all your needs, even though you tell him you're completely fine
-You only stretch open your arms so he can snuggle with you, which he reluctantly agrees to
-And you're both now sick with the cold. Good job, guys

-"You're sick."
-"Yes, Paul. It appears so."
-"To be fair I-"
-"To be fair, you crashed the boat into the shore and I fell into the water. Paul, it was Autumn. Why did you take me to the beach during Autumn and what were we doing wh attt the fpuck is wrongt with you."
-"I literally don't know what else to say. It seemed like a good idea at the time."

-He'll be kinda disgusted as he watches you fill an up an entire tissue with your phlegm and mucus
-"How much snot does one person produce when they're sick???"
-"Shut up and take care of me or I'm sneezing all over the house."
-He kinda just freaks out internally and does what you say, but wears gloves that reach to his elbows
-He sucks up his whining and takes care of you with a blank expression
-It's almost terrifying, actually, and you kinda don't him to be around him when his face looks like death

Lmao idk if there's any point in correcting my spelling and grammar, now.

I've given up, basically.

But serisouly, I'm freaking sorry for not updating in forever, my dudes. You have my permission to stab me in the eye with a carrot. It shouldn't damage my eye sight too much, since it's been said they're good for your eyes. (Asdf reference, anyone? Yeah, I know. I'm lame as heck.)

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