•They get jealous•

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Hi, guys! While I wait for some requests, I'll be posting up some random imagines of my own. Request anything, even if it's completely absurd, because that way, it'll be a little more...fun.

Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this!

WARNING: I swear a lot in this, so....sorry?

-Poor little pleb will be pouting in the corner, his arms are crossed over his chest childishly
-When he sees the person trying to make a move on you he fucking rages
-Like a kitten pouncing on a ball of yarn
-He will grip onto your arm and pull you away from them
-"(Name), don't talk to them. I don't like how they were looking at you."
-Agree because the look on his fACE
-Can't resist those puppy eyes
-Will need lots of reassurance and cuddles

-Will whine and tug at your hoodie
-Glares daggers at the person you're talking to without you knowing
-Person smirks and tries to place a hand on your shoulder
-Matt smacks it away and possessively hugs you
-"Go away. Find your own beautiful girl/boyfriend."
-You sigh
-It's been the third time this week he's done this
-But fuck
-He's like a kicked puppy
-God damn it, Matt

-Makes it plainly obvious that he hates the person
-Scoffs as he sees their attempt at trying to hit you up
-Walks towards you
-"Hey, Tom. What's u--?"
-Pulls you in for a heated make out session
-Smirks at the pissed look on the person's face
-Can't even get mad at him because he's a great kisser
-Like, woof

-If looks could kill, he would wipe out an entire nation
-Person tries to grab your butt
-Will have Paul and Patryk hunt them down
-Wait, no. Fuck it
-He'll do it himself
-"I suggest you leave my sunshine alone, yes?"
-Person pisses their pants and runs off
-"What'd you tell them?"
-"Something along the lines of 'I hope you live a long life. Live long enough to suffer every possible disease as those you know around you erode into simply nothingness. You will be left behind, long after the human race dies off and will have nothing but your lone thoughts to keep you up.' "
-"What the fuck, Tord?

-The constant frown on his face will be more prominent
-Because how dare this person make you laugh
- He'll pretend not to care but can't help but to listen in on the conversation
-When he's had enough, he pulls you away
-You have to skip to keep up with him
-"E-Eduardo, are you...jealous?"
-"Shut up."
-You're kinda guilty because you feel pleased
-Aww your angry bun bun cares for you

-He groans and taps his foot against the marble flooring impatiently
-Someone's flirting with you at his own party and he's pretty pissy about it
-Wait, it is his party, so..
-He fucking struts towards the two of you like the fabulous bitch he is
-Flips the person off and wraps his arms around your waist
-Kisses your neck without losing eye contact with the other person
-Shit, he's never been this assertive before but you're not complaining
-Person walks off, suddenly uninterested
-"Hun, what was that for?"
-"They needed to know their place."

-Doesn't want to do anything about it
-I mean, he does but he's too smol
-The person's pretty big, though
-Stutters and is visibly shaking as he tries to tell the person to back off
-Person laughs and steps forward
-"Or else what?"
-No one messes with your little bean
-You smash the person's head in and hug your poor shaking leaf
-He's embarrassed that he couldn't do anything but you reassure him that it's okay

-Takes shit from no one
-When this man wants something, he'll get it
-And what he wants right now is for this piece of shit to lay their hands off of his girl/boy/mate (for all y'all non binary pals)
-He doesn't do anything to mask his jealousy
-He fucking stomps on his cigarette with his boots and pulls you by your wrist
-"Hey, back off pal. They're mine."
-With zero knowledge of what's to come he kisses you full on the lips
-In the middle of the room
-Person walks away, kinda disturbed
-Paul is just smirking to himself
-You smack the back of his head

-He's actually pretty chill, usually
-So when he is jealous, you like to make the most of it
-Of course you do feel bad afterwards
-But it's just funny to see him grinding his teeth together in frustration
-He speaks to the person in a calm yet threatening tone
-Person's gotta back the shit up cause they don't know what they're getting into
-Man looks like a daffodil, but will end you before you can say "Return Of The Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell"
-Once his switch is flipped, its game over for them
-You have to take initiative in stopping Patryk from beating their ass
-After you video this, of course

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