A Turning Point

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17th February 1881
The Brown Mansion

"Oh honey, do take care of yourself! And do not blame your father for the decision he's made. If you see William, it wasn't his fault either. You need to be in the fullest of your senses. You're a gentleman after all. And not just any man, but a son of a rich family. You must behave with the expected excellency of our society rather than spending time in the tavern and being a womaniser like a silly oaf." Said his mother Elena in a concerning yet determined tone who was then, cupping her son's face with her hands as she gave pitiful looks to the man, he had become.

She loved her son dearly to sometimes even ignore his worst mistakes, but she had to be tough now, for her son needed to be taught righteously about the society and conduct himself as a gentleman should.
William on the other hand just nodded to his mother's hard words and soon bid her farewell as he sat in the carriage that was destined to take him on his way to a small town, that was perhaps going to be a big turning point in his life.
William Brown was finally on his way to Pemberton.
A destination fated as if by the gods themselves to transform his life into a one that he himself would never even have ever imagined.


Hours passed as the journey began to bore the ill-mannered boy, and hence he irritatedly asked the coachman, "Hey, you. Can you not learn to pace up the speed of this dumbfounded horse? I am dying already. And see to it, if we could find a tavern nearby. I desperately need a break." "Dear sir, need not worry, for we are in the outskirts of the town of Pemberton. And you would be glad to know that this town is indeed famous for its vineyards. So, you would certainly find many good taverns out here. " replied the coachman in a jolly-good mood.

The coachman wasn't wrong at all. Pemberton was soon their destination in a matter of seconds after their conversation about it.
The carriage was parked in front of Madame Daisy's mansion and it took no time for her to receive her nephew William. 
Madame Daisy Gresham was just like her brother, a rich lady only to be left by her own husband after his untimely demise. Even though she had all the riches, wealth, luxury and comfort she desired, the only thing that lacked and she dearly missed was her love.
This was also the reason why she strongly believed as to no matter what, and no matter how much success and fortune you may have, it is all priceless without the person you love. Without their support and their compassion. For love is the strongest force of all.


"Ahh it's so good to see you aunt!" cried William as he ran towards his aunt with great pleasure and gave her a hug. "It's good to see you too my boy. And oh dear, look how much you've grown. I received your father's letter and may I say, I was not very content with it William---"

But William wasn't interested in those lectures. How could had he been? This was always his nature, no matter what.

"---Nevertheless, it's good to have you here for any reason William. I am sure you would love your stay here!" patted Daisy on his back while they walked back to her mansion.
As soon as he had settled down with all his belongings in their proper place, thanks to Warren, his new servant, William once again met his aunt in the library and asked her with a fake sense of politeness, for his aim was something different and secretive. "Dear aunt, if you do not mind, I would like to take a walk in the town. You know, how much I love strolling down the streets, looking at the scenic beauty and of course, visiting the people."
"Oh William, you are not to go to the tavern. I am sorry but I cannot allow you. And oh blimey, it entirely slipped off my mind, but we have an utterly important thing that needs our foremost attendance. It's Aurora's birthday!" said his aunt as she pulled out another novel to read. "Come on now, tell Warren to arrange for a carriage as soon as possible. Will you my dear?" "But aunt, I did not say I word about the tavern. And who on earth is Aurora?" "Oh son, I know you too much to lie alright? In addition to it, George told me about your new cravings that involve the tavern. So you are not to go there. Alright, now we must hurry, else we might get late for the dear girl's anniversary."
"Great!" Sighed William as he was already vexed with this Aurora and his aunt's constant plea to go.
Of course, they had to go. He wasn't offered a choice. And so they did.
As their journey commenced, Daisy told William everything about the Millers and how dear they had always been to her.

Ever since her husband's death, the Millers had comforted her in the grave sad mornings and sleepless nights. They had always been a pillar of her support. A family that slowly and eventually grew close to her heart as they left no stone unturned to give her a new sense of joy and hope to live. Though the entire family was always a pleasant company, Audrey was most admired by her.
William did not sound very pleased with the story and the past the Millers shared with his aunt but nevertheless, he smiled and pretended as if he was already loving the Millers.
Little did the young man know, that his life was about to take a hiatus giving him a second chance to grow once again.


Perhaps to grow as the person he already was, but hidden somewhere only to be found by a great cause.


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