A Lady of Sport

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Lady Gresham's Mansion

William had lost yet another opportunity to even have a chance to speak to Audrey about his misbehaviour the day before. With all his hopes and aspirations lost, he fell asleep in his bed thinking about the young beauty once again, only to wish for her to come in his dreams.
As he was just about to close his eyes for a deep sleep, he was interrupted by a loud bang. When looked into it, he saw that the glass of his window was broken by a stone wrapped in paper.
"Intriguing." He said as he looked down the broken window to see if he could find the culprit behind it. Unfortunately, he did not. But what he did find was something more interesting to his eye.
A letter from Audrey!

"Dear Sir William,
I must apologise for this insolent behaviour of mine to break your glass window but you also must realise the kind of desperation that led me to do these actions. I must also believe that I never gave you any prospect of explaining your actions but do not worry as I forgive them. Though right now, my situation is such that a conversation with you would truly be desired.
I would await your presence at dawn tomorrow near the County church meadows, where we met today.
Yours sincerely,
Audrey Miller"

William did not know how to respond to it. He was just speechless at a point. His joy knew no bounds when he settled upon the fact that Audrey had finally forgiven him and also wished to acquaintain herself with him in a better way. And thus, the young man slept holding the letter tightly in his hands as he spoke Audrey one last time before falling into a deep sleep and hoping for the dawn to arise soon.
The next morning was a bright one, unlike it had been for a week in Pemberton. While the sun shined brightly in the sky, Audrey located herself in the meadows with her yellow dress blossoming and spreading on the grass that she had gravel sat herself on.
William on the other hand was late just like his usual self. "Oh my!" said William as he hurried to get his hat on and rushed from his house to see his young lady who was waiting for him in the meadows.
Luckily, destiny blessed him and he reached the meadows before he had expected to. There he saw Audrey sitting on the grass, her head resting on her elbows, as she daydreamed about herself in a situation where her sister was.


"You know, I am one fortunate man Audrey," said Thomas as he gazed into her eyes cupping her face with his hands, "why?" "Because every man in town is mad after your beauty and I have the right to call you my fiancé." Audrey couldn't stop chuckling after he said this. She was the luckiest girl in Pemberton. She was, she really was. To get a man to love and live a life with, was something not every woman or girl had got in their patriarchal society.

"Good Morning Miss Miller." her thoughts were interrupted by Sir William Brown. "Good Morning Mr Brown." curtsied Audrey as she stood and moved closer to him. "You're a lady of sport, I must say." Chuckled William as he continued "Breaking the Lady Gresham's glass window is something not everyone has the bravery to, you know." "Indeed, as I said before, I am truly sorry for that." "Oh, no matter at all. When asked, I simply told my aunt that it was just a glimpse of one of my childhood mischiefs. That is all." This led to Audrey smile a bit to herself as she couldn't help but notice the amiable nature William secretively had but did not show much.
Perhaps he wasn't that bad after all. Just a bit of a nincompoop.
"So, I believe there must have been a grave reason for you to call me Miss Miller considering the dangers you took." "Yes indeed there is," said Audrey as she came back from her thoughts and recollected her reason to call him.
"Have you ever experienced the loss of love Sir William or...or the betrayal of a family member?" William could notice something was wrong with Audrey but decided not to say anything for a while.
"No, I haven't m' lady. Although I must say, I know how it feels."
"Have you now? I hope you're not lying to me in any way, Sir William." William denied it and continued "No, miss. I am not. Pardon me, but I just was curious to know if you're alright. Are you now?"
At this, Audrey burst into tears. She couldn't stand strong anymore. Her heart was pounding, her breaths were short, her eyes were red and her melodious voice was shaking.
William could feel nothing but an anonymous dilemma the poor beauty Audrey was in.
He came closer and leaned in to give out a handkerchief to her which she sincerely took and rubbed her tears.
Her crying stopped but only for a minute. She threw herself in William's arms and cried and cried. She knew that it was against the laws of the county, to have any physical or intimate moment with a man other than a lady's husband but right now she did not care about anything but the inner solace and peace that she had found when she embraced William.
William on the other hand stood there doing nothing for a moment but gently leaned in to embrace her tightly in his arms as he felt her tears drying up as every second passed. She was getting better. And William, though unaware of his true feelings for her, just gave her hold of himself.
He wanted her to know that there was someone in her life she could share her worries and woes with.
Later on, after their embrace was over Audrey told everything about her past, Thomas, Aurora, the betrayal and their secretive marriage to William as he listened quietly.
William was really feeling dismayed for her. He showed his proper concern for the young lady who had already suffered so much.
"Well, I am really sorry for sharing all this even when you know so little of me. I did all this because of the fact that I was just so depressed and when you said you know the feeling I couldn't hold it in. I am sorry." said Audrey as she wiped her last tear through his handkerchief. "No, no you do not need to. It's not your fault. And you know what, love is something that just happens at the time when you least expect it, Miss Miller...." "Please, call me Audrey" "then you call me William. And Audrey if you look at it from your sister's shoes, from her point of view, it wasn't her fault either. Agreed she shouldn't have done this but it wasn't intentional. I know it is going to take time for you to realise these things but just do. Take your time. Alright? And do not worry for I am right here for you, always."

William then slowly reached out for her hand and held it gently---

---while they locked their eyes for the first time.

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