Such Impudence

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The next dawn was a blessing to Audrey just like her mother said. Aurora and Audrey had decided to pay Lady Gresham a visit.
Not only because she had put some sort of debt on them by attending Aurora's birthday but also because they loved her dearly, almost like a second mother.
The Miller's of course weren't equal to the Lady Gresham in fortune but just survived on a mere income received by Mr Miller as a clergyman. While the Lady Gresham on the other hand was an owner of one of the famous vineyards of Pemberton. So whenever she payed them a visit, they always felt as if a debt had to be repaid, even though it wasn't true.
So as the sisters continued their walk, Aurora told Audrey of Lady Gresham's nephew William Brown who had recently joined her for a month's visit and also that he had made quite the reputation at their house.
Audrey at first was indeed very surprised by his actions when described by her sister and also by his past that was known to almost every lady in town who had once come from Bridgestone.
But then she gave a second thought and decided not to be judgemental without to all intents and purposes, knowing the person.
Soon, they arrived the Lady Gresham's mansion and greeted her with the most appealing smiles. "Good Morning, Lady Gresham. It is indeed a pleasure to meet you again." said the girls in sync as they were now being told to make themselves comfortable by the Lady Gresham. "I mean it when I say this Lady Gresham, that I was not in my appropriate behaviour yesterday at the occasion. I am terribly sorry for not being able to meet you and as I have heard, your nephew William Brown." "It is just alright my dear. Though if you do not mind, I must ask you to meet my nephew as well. He would be in the library right now, so if you desire, you can get acquainted with him too." said the Lady Gresham as Audrey obeyed her request and made her way towards the library.
Perhaps William wasn't an ignominy to their household after all. If he had been in the library, then it means he must be an avid reader and a lover of writings just like her.
"Hmm, let us see, oh! What a wonder! We have this!" said an echoing voice as Audrey entered the Lady Gresham's library.

This had to be William, thought Audrey as she said

"Sir William? Is that you?"

William remained silent as if trying to concentrate as to where else had he heard the same voice. He glanced around the books and the papers that had been scattered around by him, as he was trying to find a drink that he had secretly ordered from Warren, his personal servant and had told him to keep on a shelf behind some books in his aunt's library so that his aunt couldn't get to know. He jumped over the lying papers and novels, looking everywhere with each step he took, as to who else was the person in the library.

"Sir William?"

said Audrey again, this time to be disturbed by the sound of footsteps coming towards her. Again, no response.
Audrey was now beyond her patience. She decided not to go any further and turned around when "Greetings, Miss." She got shocked by William's sudden voice as he stood just in front of her, their eyes interlocking for a second, as they bumped into each other

and realising what had happened, Audrey took a few steps back and curtsied him and so did he.

"Greetings, Sir William. It's a pleasure meeting you."

"Must I say the same, my lady."
said William in a flirtatious tone.
"The Lady Gresham told me that you were in here. I suppose you to be an avid reader then after all."

William couldn't hold his laughter. He burst out into tears of laughter as he said

"An avid reader? Oh blimey! Miss, you are too innocent. I am not at all a reader, let alone be an avid one. I was just here to find me a good drink that I had ordered last night from my useless toad of a servant, Warren, from the tavern. As you see, Miss what? Gresham? No, that's my aunt, wait, umm you were Miss..."

"Miller" interrupted Audrey

"Yes, Miss Miller. My aunt's favourite. And may I say, mine too..."

said William in a drunkard state. Yes, he was drunk. He had already drunk two bottles of wine before finding the third one from one of the shelves.

"Sir, I must say you're drunk. And in no state of a conversation."

said Audrey as she was already disgusted by his manners.

"No, no wait. Where was I? Oh yes, so I must say, you're kind of my favourite too. I saw you yesterday at your sister's occasion. What a beauty are you!"

said William again in a flirtatious tone only to be detested by Audrey and her interrupting him again by saying

"I thought of you as a kind and a noble man, Sir William, even after what my sister said. But I think she and all the ladies of the town were right. Forgive my words, but what kind of an insolent man are you?

A library is a place of meditation, a place of books and novels, a place of our wonderful imagination that we create by reading.

It is a wonder itself and you payed no respect to it, by keeping not one but three bottles of what? Wine?
The citizens are right about you, Sir William. You have quite the reputation."

Repulsed by such an impudent man, Audrey excused herself from the Lady Gresham's home and went to the public garden nearby.
She sat on one of the benches, thinking of William Brown and suddenly took out her diary of works, and started writing something in it.

Becoming Emma

"While the gentlemen were busy discussing the matters of the state, the ladies were talking about typical housewives and how lovely Rose looked in the pink fairy gown. These were all who had been called to eat the palatable cuisine, but the doorbell had been rung again. "Must be the postman with my letters," said Emma in a polite tone. As soon as she went to the open the door, she was astonished to see someone unexpected. Someone whom she never anticipated to come. She was speechless until the strange silence was broken by the unwelcomed person
"Emma, it's been a long time."


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