The Secret Revealed

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"But I do not drink anymore, doctor. Then how did this happen?" "We do not know that sir but you have been diagnosed with a liver disease and I am afraid there is no cure to it. The only thing I can to all intents and purposes do is tell you to drink a lot of water and stop alcoholism completely. Rest leave it to the Almighty." "Give the news to me straight sir. Do I have no time, no time at all?"

"You have very less time sir. I am sorry."

That was all the doctors at the apothecary could say. William Brown was found to have a liver problem which had led to the explanation of his eccentric recent symptoms of cough, pain in his abdomen and sleepiness. William was dying. And there was nothing he could do about it.
What would he tell Audrey? And what about their unborn baby? He couldn't just leave the baby again. He had barely begun to have fun with the baby in Audrey's womb. Flashes of memories crossed his mind as he thought of the times when he put his hand over her belly, or when he sheepily talked to their baby while Audrey was fast asleep. As he walked back towards his house, thinking about facing his family, telling Audrey the news, and worried for both hers and the baby's health after his revelation, William could do nothing but get angry with himself as it was in any way his fault that had led to such grave conditions.
Had he listened to her mother, to Audrey; had he not been that much insolent, he would have had a good and a fair chance of leading a jovial life with his love and their unborn baby. But unfortunately,

destiny had other plans for them. Luck wasn't in their favour.

When he finally came home by noon, he saw Audrey pacing around with quick steps here and there when she knew she should have taken extra care and been sleeping. "What are you doing my love? Need not I remind you, that you are with a baby," stated William as he made Audrey sit comfortably on their bed in their chambers. "Our baby" corrected Audrey as she looked into William's eyes as if trying to seek out the truth from the darkness of lies. "Where had you gone?" "Nowhere." "Do not lie to me, William. You know, I know you better." "Alright, I promise I would not lie my love. Never to you. But it's just that, you would not be able to take the truth and I fear it would destroy both you and our baby's health and I do not desire to witness that." "You were coughing of blood today, William!" shouted Audrey at top of her voice and continued "I am worried and why should I not be worried? You're my husband. I cannot see you like this and you know that. Please tell me what is wrong William. Please, just for me." Audrey's tone had changed from anger to helplessness as she pleaded with William to tell her the truth. "Alright. But promise me this Audrey, that no matter what happens in the future, would you not only stay strong and have courage but also will be just the same. Happy, jovial, pretty and innocent, okay?" Audrey hesitated for a moment while replying back "okay." softly to him.

Alright here it goes.

"Audrey, my love, I have been diagnosed with a liver disease....and I fear.... not only for me, but for us, that I do not have enough time." said William as he turned to look into Audrey's eyes who were already full of tears as she began to cry dreadfully. "No, no no no! Please! Oh god, William. You're jok...joking with me right? can't be.... It just cann...cannot be. I cannot take all this. I just can't take this much of agony anymore William. No..." trembled Audrey as she fell into William's arms who held her tightly and only apologised to her again and again and again.

What else could the young man do?

Suddenly, Audrey flinched when she saw the heavy coughing fits of William. Feeling helpless as she watched his body convulsed, tiny blood splatters hitting the hand his love had brought up to her face.

"Why?!" cried Audrey uncontrollably without any hiatus as she kept on holding tight to William's arms that were now shaking as his body shook with the coughing, the other near his face.

Slowly Audrey reached for his hand, risking covering her own in his blood as she lifted the cup of water for him to sip from, her lip quivering as she watched the man, she’d tear her own limbs off for slowly leave her behind.


Thomas and Aurora never really got to know about William's health until one day when Thomas saw him lying unconscious in the bathroom, sweat dripping down his face as there was vomit everywhere. His condition was worsening and all he could do was stand there at the horrific sight when Aurora saw this too and offered to help and told Thomas to put him on the bed in his chambers while they both went to comfort Audrey as they had now known that she was facing this alone.
"We found William lying in the bathroom unconscious, sister." "What? Oh good lord, I should have been there with him. Why did I leave him and come here?" "To breathe in some fresh air Audrey. You know you need it." said Thomas and just like that, when confronted by both Thomas and Aurora, Audrey told the secret Thomas and she had been hiding since two months now.
After the secret was revealed, Aurora who had her hand rubbing the back of her sister asked in distress "How much time has he got?" "Cannot say. The doctors at the apothecary say, he'd be lucky to see his children born if his condition doesn't worsen but I fear for the worst that it is."

said Audrey as Aurora felt speechless whereas Audrey tried to be brave and wiped a tear off her face. "Do not worry sister. He will be just fine."
As days went by and William's condition unfortunately and as expected by him worsened, he feared for his wife and thus one night he decided to apologise to her.
It was already half past twelve when Audrey entered their chambers after finishing the household chores with her sister. Though she was pregnant, she did not want Aurora to do all the work and had thus made up her mind to help her, even if it was in little contributions.
"Audrey, would you please come here? I wanted to speak to you about something." William sounded serious and this rarely happened on any occasion.
Thus, without any other word uttering from her mouth, Audrey slowly climbed the bed and scooched in near her husband's chest as he sat up straight.

"I am so sorry darling."

whispered William as he continued

"I never wanted to be a burden on you and look here am I, making you do all the work in such a delicate condition such as yours."

"Don't you ever apologise Mr Brown. You are never a burden on me and that is never going to change. And this isn't your fault. You have no control over this. Stop blaming yourself for this William. I would always be there for you. Alright? Now get some sleep. You really need it. I'll be here all night and if you happen to wake up for any reason or do not feel well, wake me up right away, do you understand?"

While Audrey waited for an answer, there was no reply from William's side. She quickly started to panic but relaxed as she saw him already fallen sleep.

"Nincompoop." exclamied Audrey in disbelief as she too, soon fell asleep with her head on her husband's chest.

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