3. Together again

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After there meetup, Jasmine and Mari talked until they grew tired, so Katsuki carried Jasmine back to his home, Izuku said that they were more then welcome to return to his home at anytime making Katsuki nod before heading home, he got her inside and changed her before putting her to bed, he then walked off to get cleaned up before he too would go to bed for the night, he did of course want to know more about what Jasmine and her friend went through... But there was nothing he could do since she obviously didn't want to say more about all of this that she was put through.

Katsuki watched as Jasmine adjusted to there home, he knew that Jasmine needed more time to recover but he could tell she was doing fine, she was a very curious human and as a result he discovered many things about her, for one thing... She loves to read and so he went to her home and grabbed all of her books and then kept an eye on what she reads to then be able to get her what she want's next in her books, another thing is she loves to discover new things and so... He cooked for her new foods that she never had before and smiled each time she enjoyed them, he did think about taking her outside... But the fear of her maybe getting attacked by someone in the forest... So he decided to wait for now.

He did see her go to Izuku's home at times to see Marinette, each time she comes back with clothes for her to wear, she outfit she got and put on made him smile... And wonder if he should have her meet his parents or not, they do own a clothing shop in the town in the forest so that could be a good idea... But Marinette would be able to learn more from them by going there so that was also a good thing, right now the two girls were wearing Mari's work and relaxing outside in the garden Izuku cared for that his mother loved so much back when she was alive, he still misses her... But is happy that she wasn't there when everything happened to his dad and his mistress.

Katsuki was watching them talk while sitting on the ground around the gorgeous flowers "Something on your mind?" he turned to find Izuku there watching him, he brought over some finger foods and tea for the four of them making him think for a moment before speaking "Just worried about the two... They were thrown in here because of the lie about the curse" he explained making Izuku nod in understanding before setting everything down on the table making the two girls look over to then get up to join them to eat and have tea, they sat down with the two boys and talked about random things on there minds.

When they don't go out, Katsuki cleans up something in his home and watches Jasmine as she reads a book, it's just fascinating to watch her read like this, he had set up a table and a comfy chair for her outside and got her a blanket to have over her legs if it got cold at one point while she was outside, sometimes he would stop what he was cleaning and make her something to drink or eat and bring it out for her before talking to her about the book she was reading at the moment, each time that happened she would smile and tell him about the book she was reading which would make him ask more questions before he went back inside to clean.

It was really nice to be honest, just seeing her relaxed like that was like a breath of fresh air to him, he couldn't remember when he felt like this... It had been too long now that he thinks about it, at night on the other hand he checks on her as she sleeps, he just wanted to make sure she was doing alright at the moment so he does this just to be sure, he sometimes enters the room just to look at her for a moment before leaving so he can finish up on something or go to bed himself but that was it, Izuku claims that his inner wolf wants her but it's unknown if it's in a positive way or not.

Katsuki just sighs and hopes for the best, an inner wolf is the being that aids the werewolf race with things around them like hunting or searching and even to protect others, but right now his was confusing him and he needed answers one way or another, he decided to contact his old hag in the end to see if she could help, so one night he shifted and howled to her, he wasn't sure when she would come but at least he made sure she knew that she had to come during the night, four days later she arrived with his dad during the night "Alright you damn brat. What's the problem, why did I need to come here at night and why do I smell a human in your home?" she asked making him sigh.

He began to explain to her everything, about Jasmine, the bullying the pain she was in, how she resides in his home now and his inner wolf, he just wanted to understand what was going on and he knew she would be able to help as she obviously would have the answers he needed, Mitsuki looked at him in slight surprise while her mate Masaru simply smiled towards there son, she didn't say a word at first but she did seem to know what was going "It's pretty clear to me Katsuki... Your inner wolf decided to claim her as your mate" she said simply as Katsuki looked at her in complete shock as his mind tried to process what she just said to him.

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