5. Loose ends to resolve

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Lila was happy... Yeah that was a lie she was actually pissed, why? Well that's because some of those who care for the forest saw her and her friends throw Jasmine and Marinette into the forest... As a result they were being investigated, to her luck her mom was in Italy and forgot her phone behind so she was able to pretend to be her own mom to resolve the investigation on her, sadly that didn't mean the same for her followers and they still had to answer questions which would cause an even bigger investigation because it was always Jasmine and or Mari did something to Lila.

As a result she had to go back to be questioned even if she pretended to be her mom who refused for her to be questioned... So she went back to be questioned and asked why she never reported what was done to her or keep the evidence making her reply about how it was simply too much for her to handle but the police explained that it doesn't matter... She should have kept the evidence and report them with it making her end up being told that her claims of what was done to her would be for nothing because they can't be punished without evidence, this angered her greatly before she was allowed to leave, when she got back to school, she was told by Damocles that everything that was filed that Mari and Jasmine did to her had to be erased due to no evidence to back up any of it.

This angered her as she demanded for something to be done, so she was told that they needed to wait... Until the two girls come to school so they could sit down and talk about it, Lila was furious as she went to class hoping to make enough false evidence to ruin the two girls... But they never came to school... And then were reported missing, this confused Lila because the claims on the forest were made up right? It's not possible to be stuck inside of a place forever right? But as time went on things only got worst for Lila and her followers... Well mainly them.

It turns out that someone filmed them throwing the two girls into the forest and as a result were hated for there actions, they tried to defend themselves saying it was because they bully Lila but were ignored, in the end the class slowly began to get banned from places just because Lila accused the two girls of doing her harm at some point, Lila tried to reach out to Gabriel but Nathalie always answered and told her to stop calling as she was no longer working for them now, she was at first confused until she got into a video call with her mom who was enraged at the fact that she was modeling with her fake signature.

The internet was cut off as punishment until she was back from her trip to Italy, it sucked for Lila because now she had to use the crappy connection at school and use the old computers at the library... And even then they were slow to load anything she needed when she used one! The worst part is that her mom discovered a sale happening at her favorite store and decided to stay longer! Not only that but there was also the weather that was possibly turning bad so flights to Paris were possibly cancelled unless the weather turns out good in the end, Lila was ready to just pawn some of her mother's things while wearing a disguise and lie to her about where it might have gone just to be petty.

Then her lies were uncovered... By the people she claimed to know, they saw her on the news and saw footage of her lying making them call there lawyers to sue her, she was in big trouble as all of her lies came to light and her classmates now knew the truth about her and wanted nothing to do with her as she goes to court alone with the lawyer her mother hired... Only to lose tons of money because of her lies... Making her mother order for her to get a job to pay her back because she lost so much money because her daughter lied about so much in the end... She ended up taking up two jobs to earn money.

 She ended up taking up two jobs to earn money

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Meanwhile... Katsuki smiles at Jasmine who was relaxing outside with Masaru while Mitsuki helped him with a few outfit ideas he had for Jasmine, he really wanted her to look amazing but his mother had great ideas on how to make things better when it's related to food and clothes, she smiled as she presented different fabrics to use instead of what he previously planned to use and another style instead of how he wanted the outfit to originally look, she was in the end a great help as a while later... Izuku and Marinette arrived to hang out with them which ended up being all of them together to talk and eat a meal together.

Katsuki thought that this was an amazing time for all of them right now... He did want to tell Jasmine about the mate thing right now but he was sure that now wasn't the time, she needed more time to heal and to adjust... That he wanted to teach her to make better friends and to stand up for herself, he simply wanted her to be strong when the time comes where she will leave the forest with Mari... Unless she decides to stay in the end, but that was for another time to be talked about instead he would focus on the present and enjoy some time with Jasmine and be happy with it since this was more important... But then there was a knock on the door making him go answer it.

There at the door was Shoto Todoroki, a vampire that he didn't like "Bakugo

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There at the door was Shoto Todoroki, a vampire that he didn't like "Bakugo... It has been a while now correct?" the vampire asked but Katsuki knew that he was here for some reason, he growled as his parents came over to see what was going on at the door... Izuku kept Mari and Jasmine where they were so to not cause problems "Get on with it Half-n-half and say why your here already" Katsuki ordered as Shoto smirks "Always straight to business with you Bakugo... But that's fine since this won't be long" he explained before gaining a serious look "Yagi want's the two human girls you and Midoriya found... If you refuse it will be both your heads"

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