6. Meeting Toshinori

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Katsuki hated Shoto, not because he was living in luxury... But because he turned his back on him and Deku, years ago there had been an incident with Himiko Toga who was a vampire witch who did magic with blood, she liked Deku and wanted him... Enough that she tried to use illegal magic on him, Katsuki came to protect him only for Himiko to accuse Deku of trying to rape her and he of trying to kill her, the evidence didn't match her story but there's, so they turned to Shoto to make the final choice in the whole thing... And claimed Himiko of telling the truth.

As a result Katsuki lost his home in the town and Izuku was only allowed to visit the town once a year, this resulted in the wolf wanting to kill the vampire for believing a liar instead of them, now here they were... Going to Toshinori's mansion because he knows about Mari and Jas now, he didn't care what he wanted with them... He was going to fight to reverse the punishment Shoto handed to him and Deku and have Himiko executed for her lies, they got inside with Jasmine holding Katsuki's arm in fear of what might happen... God he didn't want her to get hurt at all, Shoto brought them to the study where they would talk to the skeleton man about the girls.

He glared at Shoto but the four walked in while Katsuki's parents waited in the hall while glaring at the vampire, Toshinori was seated with tea and cookies on the table, the four sat down before him as he smiled "Welcome to my home boys, it has been sometime since we last saw one another" he said making Katsuki glare "Wouldn't be the case if Half-n-half had punished the right person instead of kicking me out and making Deku come here once a year while the lying bitch runs free" he growled making his smile drop at those words, he knew full well that Himiko lied that day... But still wondered why Shoto believed her and punished the boys instead of her.

"I understand your anger" he began making Katsuki huff and turn away "But even I wonder why he punished the both of you instead of Toga" he explained making Katsuki turn his eyes towards him, but he didn't look to believe a word he just said "But I will get answers from him and reverse this whole thing" he explained as Katsuki looked at him "And him? He's the one who helped her be free while we got punished... He should be punished for what he did" he explained making Toshinori nod in agreement "And that is what I plan to do, once he admits to punishing the victims he will be exiled to outside of the town and you will be moved back in" he said making Katsuki nod to his words.

Jasmine and Mari looked at one another slightly confused on the conversation that just happened before the man spoke again "Now then, I was informed that you found these two human girls together... Would you both be so kind as to tell me how you landed in my forest?" Toshinori asked them kindly, Jasmine spoke first about there lives, then how Lila arrived with lies, how everyone believed her as she lied about her connections, how she began to lie on how they were bullying her and made the others bully them "And then they just... Threw us into the forest" she explained as Mari nodded "We were both injured and were unconscious for a while to heal" Mari added to the story.

Toshinori looked to be trembling for some strange reason, none of them knew why he was trembling... But the two boys knew he was angry "They... Harmed you... Did they look into her claims?" he asked slowly as the girls looked at one another once more before Marinette spoke "No... They believed her words and ignored all the evidence we presented them" she explained as the tea cup he held in his hands shattered with the tea spilling to the floor, the girls were startled by this but the boys knew... He was pissed now at all of this as he then spoke "It is for the best that you both stay in the forest... Your minds have been broken and you have more then likely lost too much trust in others because of them" he began to explain softly while keeping his emotions hidden.

The two girls nodded to his words as he wasn't wrong at all in there opinion "Once you have healed both physically and mentally then you may leave the forest... And return when you wish... I will also hand you something to show you are under my protection so that no one may try to harm either of you" he said as he handed them both a diamond badge with a blue, red and yellow ribbon, the two girls took one each and smiled and thanked him, Toshinori then allowed the four to leave and walked them out of the room... And then ordered for Shoto to enter so they could talk about something important.

They all headed back with smiles on there faces before splitting ways, Katsuki watched as Jasmine pinned her emblem to her clothes "You know you can use when your using a hood" he said making her smile and nod to the idea, he smiled in return and began to think of a few designs for hoods for her to wear, he so couldn't wait to see her wearing more of his work... But he still had something important to talk to her about "Can we talk tomorrow? I know that what happened was a lot, so I think it would be best to get some sleep and then talk in the morning" he explained making Jasmine look at him slightly confused... But nodded to his words "Sure! I don't mind but you are right... I need some time to process what happened" she explained as he nodded... And the two went to bed in silence.

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