9. The news

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Two months have gone by since Katsuki's rut and Jasmine was big, she was surprised but Katsuki explained that a wolf pregnancy is two months and she was more then likely carrying more then one pup, she nodded and just stressed at times because of the news... Her and Mari's classmates were coming to the forest for Halloween and neither were happy about it, Katsuki knew that this was stressing her but he did his best to help her and to get everything ready for when she gives birth... It was important for him to make the perfect nest for her to care for there pups when she gives birth while he cares for them.

Of course that also meant having other's help watch over Jasmine while he was finishing up the nest, sometimes he would check on her himself but that was really quick before going back to work, once it was done he went to check on her to find that she was sleeping making him smile and gently carry her to the nest he made for her, she woke up for a moment to look around, noticed the nest she was in, smiles at Katsuki before going back to sleep... Which told him that she loves the nest making him happy as he watches over her until she fully wakes up later on, when she does Katsuki has brought her something to eat since she was nearing birth making her smile and thank him as she slowly eats her food before claiming that she was feeling some pain.

Which told Katsuki that it was almost time, so he got her stripped and explained what was happening making her worry a bit that something might go wrong but Katsuki promised that everything would be alright in the end as he got her settled in a position for birth and by then it was time for her to push "You need to push alright? Pups are coming so when the pain comes back you need to start pushing" he explained making her nod to his words as she does as she was told to do, it was horrible to see her in so much pain but he knew that the pups were coming so he helped where he could.

Soon the first pup was born, still in the sack but he quickly got the pup out and helped so the little one could start making noises to prove to live "A girl" he said softly as he guided the pup to her breast to feed a bit, moments later the second pup was born a boy making him show her with a smile before there son also began to feed... Sadly the third pup was having a bit of a hard time coming out which worried the both of them, the two first born pups were now sleeping but there sibling wasn't out yet "What if something is wrong?" Jasmine asked while tears ran down her face making him worry as he moved to look in the hopes of helping to get her answers on the whole situation.

He saw the pup... But not in an angle to be born, he had to help so he moved so his hand could go in to help shift there third pup to be born the ride way, Jasmine was worried that something might be wrong but Katsuki spoke "Pup was in a bad angle to be born so I moved the pup to be born" he explained making her nod as she finally was able to give birth to there second daughter, he guided her to a nipple and then helped Jasmine get cleaned up "I'll get you something to wear" he said making her smile and nod to his words before he walked away to get said clothes, he then returned and helped her get dressed.

 But not in an angle to be born, he had to help so he moved so his hand could go in to help shift there third pup to be born the ride way, Jasmine was worried that something might be wrong but Katsuki spoke "Pup was in a bad angle to be born so I ...

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She smiled at the outfit and thanked him, before he settled by the nest "Your not joining us? I know were safe in here" she explained making him think for a moment before nodding and join his family in the nest, she giggled and smiled as the two went to sleep holding one another, when morning came Izuku, Marinette, Mitsuki, Masaru, Recovery girl and Toshinori came to the door to see how Jasmine is doing, only to discover that she had already given birth to the three pups while Katsuki slept in the nest, they decided to not disturb them and to wait until they wake up later on in the day.

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