8. Time to prepare

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Jasmine was so tired, her body didn't want to move and she couldn't even open her eyes, all she could do is feel, like when gentle hands examined her body, multiple hands moving her body to treat her, trembling but gentle hands feeding her and giving her water, it was all done and she knew it... But not who it was, but she was certain she was still with Katsuki, she didn't know how  much time passed since the incident with Katsuki... But when she at long last opened her eyes, she saw that it was dark outside, she slowly sat up in bed before taking a break and then slowly leaving the bed to try and find Katsuki.

She was slowly trying to walk to the door when it opened to allow Katsuki to go into the room, the moment he saw her standing, he rushed over to help her back into bed, once done he moved to bring the tray he carried to the bed, she smiled softly as he slowly begins to feed her what he prepared for her,  after she ate and drank water, he put the tray away and then sat back on the bed "Are you in any form of pain right now?" he asked softly, she looked at her arms to see the bandages over them "What happened?" she asked making him freeze but sigh "My rut went nuts... When you came in my room... My inner wolf went to mate you" he explained making her look at him in slight surprise by his words.

Nothing was said for a moment as he bowed before her "I am so sorry for what you went through! I will do my best to be forgiven for my actions towards you" he explained as he felt a gentle hand in his hair, he looked up to find Jasmine brushing his hair with her hand with a smile "You didn't mean to lose control... So I don't blame you at all" she explained making him look at her with hope and relief at her words, he whined making her smile as he then moved to curl up in her arms, they stay like this for a while before he carries her out of the room so she could get in a bath since she was in need of one right now.

Once in the bathroom, Katsuki set her down to start the water and grab what she would need before turning to her "Let's get you undressed" he said making her nod and allow him to strip her of the clothes he dressed her in, once done he checked the bath to stop the water and then removed her bandages, she did wince from pain at times but Katsuki was always gentle with her injuries the whole time, once done he picked her up and took her to the bath and gently set her in the water, she watched him as he poured water on her hair and took care of washing her body gently the whole time.

By the time he finished cleaning her, putting new bandages and dressing her... His parent's, Deku, Toshinori and Mari arrived, Katsuki carried her to the couch in a room surrounded by books as they entered the room with another person, the woman looked very old but was a witch "This is Recovery girl, she is here to examine you" Toshinori explained making Jasmine nod to his words, she was laid on the couch and Katsuki moved some cushions around so she could be comfy, Recovery girl moves to her side and explains what she's doing as she goes making Jasmine keep calm the whole time.

The elderly woman looks focused on her task the whole time which surprises Jasmine greatly, it was almost as if it was very important for her to do everything which confused everyone "You are pregnant" the woman said, everyone was dead quiet as they looked at the woman... She was actually pregnant? But she was human? Is that even possible? But then again she is human and pregnant with Katsuki's child so she just proved it possible "So what happens now? We don't know what will happen to Jasmine or the pup" Mitsuki explained as Recovery girl packs up her things "The only thing we can do... Keep watch over her to make sure that everything is fine in the end" she says making them all nod to her words.

After Toshinori leaves with Recovery girl, they all head to Jasmine's room so she can rest some more "I can't believe this happened Katsuki! Your always careful when you're nearing your rut so why was this time like this!?" his mother demands as Katsuki sighs, he didn't really know what to say to her at all... This was so confusing to him "I don't know... But what's done is done and all we can do is help Jasmine with whatever she needs" he explained, everyone nodded as Jasmine smiled towards Katsuki, the fact that he said all of that instead of claiming control on the child growing within her or even claiming that she will abort... It makes her so happy.

Time moves on after that though, in the end Jasmine understands that Katsuki claimed her during his rut so they were now mates, three weeks go by and Jasmine is slowly showing signs of being pregnant making her so happy, Katsuki will always rub his head on her stomach when he can which makes her giggle... They were also preparing a baby room and names for when she gives birth... Things were going so well for them... That she was happy enough to forget what her life was outside the forest.

But that happiness wouldn't continue forever...

Lila was pissed, while she did get away with her actions towards Marinette and Jasmine... The class was pissed at her since they were punished for hurting the two by Lila's claims of them bullying her, as a result they all hated her, the two girls were still missing and things were becoming tense at school... But at least Halloween was coming and that meant for the day only until midnight... They could enter UA forest and not be trapped forever... And Lila was going to do her best to get her pawns under her control by then... One way or another.

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