19. Her babies

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Seeing Katsuki in his wolf form made her happy, he was gorgeous in her eyes she was surprised that he had left the forest to see her... But she was certain it was because he thought she was in danger, Lila looked terrified to see him in wolf form but Jasmine wanted to laugh so badly right now at her reaction "W-what is going on!? Jasmine you better control that mutt before I cause you even more trouble!!" she ordered as more growling was then heard making Jasmine look to find her children were also here.

Her first daughter was at the front of her siblings making her smile, this was how they trained there pups, the first born leads the siblings but has to make sure they are all safe no matter what, as a result she would often lead them to cause tro...

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Her first daughter was at the front of her siblings making her smile, this was how they trained there pups, the first born leads the siblings but has to make sure they are all safe no matter what, as a result she would often lead them to cause trouble which caused Katsuki to get angry and Jasmine to have a headache, they had named her Kazumi as she always made sure there was peace between her siblings making them proud of her for that mainly... But when she is in human form... She is beautiful which is why they picked Kazumi as her name.

She was also loving the attention in the forest and always spoke about leaving to see the human's and see what things were like there, of course Jasmine was worried but Katsuki promised that she will be prepared when she does plan to leave the forest to see her world, Kazumi did promise to be strong and to stand up for herself if anyone bullies her or lies about something she did making her feel better about her daughter leaving the forest at some point in life "As long as you visit and keep in touch with us... I will accept that you leave the forest one day" she explained making her daughter so happy at the good news.

Then there was there son Katsuo was given this name because he always wants to be a hero and to win at anything making them smile at him as he worked her to be able to do those things, he was a brown wolf unlike his sister Kazumi who was a blonde ...

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Then there was there son Katsuo was given this name because he always wants to be a hero and to win at anything making them smile at him as he worked her to be able to do those things, he was a brown wolf unlike his sister Kazumi who was a blonde wolf like her father, Jasmine felt like this was a connection to her brown hair and eyes making Katsuo often yip at her and doing things with her alone, she laughed often at this, but he was always there to help when asked even when he wanted to play.

Katsuki sometimes hoped he would focus and follow the pack but Jasmine told him that they were still young, soon Katsuo like his sister's will learn and change as they grow making him smile and agree with her in the end, besides who knows he might change before they know it and that made Katsuki decide to be patient and let them grow on there own while guiding them at times when he was needed to help them and she couldn't do anything at the time... Which was often as she is human but they did count on her for things.

 Which was often as she is human but they did count on her for things

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And lastly... There was Junko who's fur was a mix between her and Katsuki, she was obedient when her parents said something needed to be done, she's genuine and always seemed pure to her and Katsuki, they didn't know why but while she is the youngest she still acted like an adult, it surprised them as she was the first to shift into human form and was able to say in that form the longest then her siblings which amazed them all greatly, she helped often around there home with cooking and cleaning, at one point Jasmine had slept in and Junko went around the house and took care of it while she slept and Katsuki took the two oldest out to buy a few things.

Jasmine woke up to find Junko preparing her breakfast making Jasmine look at her surprised at the whole thing but still smiled at the fact that her daughter had done so much all on her own, after that they saw even more of what she could do while so young, her siblings were actually amazed at her and wanted her to keep being like this if it made her happy, she was really just proud of her three kids and couldn't believe they would come for her "I see that my babies came together with there father... Guess things won't be going well for you Lila" she said with a smirk as they lunged at the liar, she freaked out and tried to run away but her kids didn't allow her to run far.

At one point Katsuo bites hard at her right ankle making her fall to the ground while suddenly panting for some reason "Oh dear... My son bit you... Now your even more cursed then before" she said making Lila look at her confused "What d-do you... Mean?" she asked while still panting "I mean you now are cursed to become a werewolf... Slowly you will lose control and will turn into a wolf, never to return a human while losing your memories with each passing second and then you will look for my son as you are bound to him" she giggled making her eyes widen "N-no!" she gasped out but Jasmine rolled her eyes "Sorry but it's true, since he bit you that is your fate... To become a wolf that follows my son with no memory of being a human" she said before patting her sons head.

She then whistled and the four followed after her as she waved at Lila "But don't worry! You still have about a year before you turn for good... Unless you listen to the wolf call then it will be speeding up over time" she said before leaving her alone, the wolf call happens on nights of the full moon, Jasmine has gone to them with Katsuki and met even more of his kind there, if Lila follows the call then the process will speed up by a month until she can no longer change back into a human and starts to forget her human life... Until all she knows is her name, age and date of birth.

After that she will hear the call to Katsuo and will go looking for him... And will then stay by his side once she finds him, it will however break her truth curse now so she will be able to lie again now... But she didn't need to tell her that, so with that she returned to the hotel to pack her things, leave a note for Mari and left to grab anything else she was missing before going back home with Katsuki and her kids, she knew that Mari wasn't done with the others but Jasmine had enough and missed her family greatly, so her friend could finish things in Paris while she returns to the forest with her new life there.

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