11. What is happening?

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Jasmine sighed from her seat as Mari worked on a new outfit for her friend to wear, it had been two days since the incident with the class and Katsuki was now in the forest with the pups while Izuku was with the class, he had offered to do it since he knew Mari didn't like them and Katsuki was ready to kill one of them, he simply told them to relax and he would do it making them all sigh in relief, Jasmine was reading a book but she was still getting bored as we speak... She really wanted to do something fun but had no idea on what that could be right now "I'm going into town for a bit... See if anyone wants help" she explained making Mari nod with a smile towards her friend.

Jasmine then left for the town, she really couldn't handle being inside with a book that she was getting tired of reading right now... So going into town was better then nothing right now, she wanted to look around and maybe buy a few things that she, Katsuki and the pups need right now... And maybe something that will distract her more, as she walked into town, people began to compliment her gorgeous outfit making her smile and thank them before moving on to where she needed to go, this was when Adrien saw her, he was surprised at the way she was dressed and smiling to others, at one point she was talking to a guy who was selling her some fabric which he thought were odd looking.

He followed her around for a bit before seeing her head for a shop, he follows her inside to find it was a magic shop "Ochako? You there?" she asked with a smile... Before turning to glare at Adrien "Stop following me like some creepy stalker" she hissed before turning back with a smile to a brunette "Hey Jasmine! I just finished your order, let me go get it" she explained making Jasmine nod as Adrien looked around before feeling the two girls glaring at him... And then rushed out in fright... All the while Lila watched the shop, she knew it was a magic shop but she needed to wait until Jasmine leaves to go in and get her act started... No matter what she will make everyone believe her and love her in the end... Even if that meant using magic to do it.

"Here you are Jasmine! Three protection charms for the pups, one escape charm for if Katsuki is in a pinch while hunting, two barrier charms for your and Mari's home and a fertility incense to burn when you and Katsuki want to try for more kids!" Ochako said with a smile as she presented Jasmine's order, the human smiled at the witch who packed up her order as Jasmine paid her before collecting the bag and then walking out... A few moments later Lila walked in without her knowing, Jasmine continues shopping for a bit while ignoring Bustier and her classmates before heading back to see Mari.

As she heads into the forest, Alya sees her and goes to follow... Only to be stopped by Izuku who was glaring at her "I thought we made it clear that you can't go into the forest right now" he said making her jump in fright to him talking to her, she didn't really like Izuku since he introduced himself... She just didn't know why really but felt like he was weird, it was almost like she knew him yet this was the first time she ever saw him "Look, all I want to do is talk to Jasmine and Marinette to know why they never tried to tell us they were alive here" she explained making him roll his eyes "And how would they do that?" he asked making her then open her mouth... And then close it a few seconds later as she had no idea on how to respond to his question.

In the end she didn't know how they could have told them that both were alive and well, Izuku then got everyone's attention and noticed that Lila wasn't back yet... Making them all wait for her, it took a while but she did in the return with a smile but Izuku was not happy "Since you made us waste our time waiting for you, we missed the chance for me to take you all into the forest so instead we will head back for the night" he explained making them all whine and start complaining, some even glared at Lila for wasting there time waiting for her which made her go pale and take a few steps back from them as Izuku guided them back to where they were staying and told them that if they were lucky and don't waste time... They might see what goes on in the forest.

The class nodded and all turned to Lila with a glare and a silent message making her keep quiet but nodded, she was already in trouble with the class for what she did to Jasmine and Marinette... Now she made things worst by making them all wait... She was gonna need to do something big in order to win them all back, and she was certain that soon everything will go back to how things should have been... Everyone at her beck and call while believing all of her lies no matter what she claimed happened in the end, but because of Marinette and Jasmine it never happened and as a result she needed to use drastic measures in order to have control even when as a result the class was made at pinning things on them.

But it was fine... They can be mad at her for now and then soon she will have them doing what she wanted from the very beginning, Caline did get mad at her and ordered for her to stay close to her for now... At least until after they see in the forest... But she was to be punished by having a buddy at all times for the rest of the trip because of her actions... Lila was pretty mad by the time she returned to her room... But the bottle in her bag helped her remember that everything would be fine in the end, she would need to be pretty patient for now but very soon... Everyone will be under her control and nothing will be able to stop her from winning in the end no matter what happens next.

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