Fluff - Crush - Pt. 1

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*...* = doing something
-...- = thinking
<...> = calling
[...] = chatting/texting
(P.S. i might add some more stuff like that in the nxt few chapters- maybe. I'll refer to myself as "A/N" lol
Btw there will be some swear words so watch out
If you're one of my friends, stfu :D)
Shirabu's POV:

I was preparing for school. It was 7:06 am, i just woke up a few mins ago. I already took a bath. Im just eating toast and cecking my school stuf- DING -ugh who's messaging at this time?-

In the "We Gay Lmao" group chat


Bowl-cut Brat: Good morning Tendo-san- hey! Who changed my name?! :(

Saltybu: I did, you bowl cut brat

GuEsSMoNstah: Now now Saltybu, its too early for your saltyness :(

Saltybu: idgaf. Its too early for your bullshit.

UshiGushy: Good morning everyone.

SemiSemi: Who tf pinged me?

Saltybu: Tendo.

SemiSemi: Oh hi Shirabu ;)

Saltybu: Wtf..yeah no im gonna go back to what i was doing bye


*sigh* -....why's my heart beating a little faster than usual?..whatever I'll just put my books, pencils pens and whatever else in my bag..-

After he puts the things in his bag

"Finally.." I look at the time and see it's time to walk to school.

Time skip to when they walk to the gate because yes-

Tendo's POV:
I texted our group chat but it died very quickly after SemiSemi and Saltybu chatted. Oh! I should get going to school and see Wakatoshi-kun and the others!

When everyone goes to morning practice

Semi's POV:
We all start stretching but a certain someone is LAT- BAAM "What the- Shirabu?-"

No one's POV:
"S-sorry im late!!" Shirabu shouted. "It is alright, Shirabu. May i ask why you were late?" asked the captain, also known as Ushijima Wakatoshi. "W-well..." Shirabu started, "Its because..my teach- *mumble mumble mumble*.." Shirabu said but ended up mumbling.
A/N: Hi! This is short, i know but i dont know what to write anymoreっ╥╯﹏╰╥c so imma leave you guys with a
✨C L I F F H A N G E R✨

Word count: 369 words

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